What has Katherine Neville written?

Katherine Neville has written four novels: The Eight (1988), A Calculated Risk (1992), The Magic Circle (1998), and The Fire, a sequel to The Eight (2008).

Click on the image of the book to read my review of it.

Coming soon: a cover scan of The Fire

And for those of you with "graphically-challenged" browsers:

About The Eight

About A Calculated Risk

About The Magic Circle

About The Fire

Katherine Neville has also written a short piece which appeared in I Should Have Stayed Home (The Worst Trips of Great Writers), edited by Roger Rapoport and Marguerita Castanera, published by Book Passage Press in 1994. (Neville's story appears on p. 168-173.) It's about a trip she took to Europe in 1992, when she fell down 35 stairs and had an inspiration for the sequel to The Eight. Interestingly, Neville tells us where she had been doing her research: Venice, Florence, and Switzerland; her accident happened in Switzerland. I thought of some of the settings in The Eight: there's a scene set in Venice, and some of the characters come from Switzerland. I'm not sure where Florence fits in, but it makes me wonder... I would like to thank Margie Madsen (100232.1546@compuserve.com) for telling me about this short piece; otherwise, I never would have known about it.

Katherine Neville has also written a short story called "La Bellini's Favors", which appears in Sisters in Crime, Volume IV. Actually, I'm surprised I hadn't heard about this story before; my mother has all the Sisters in Crime volumes, and so many people who have written to me are good at finding things like this. I even checked Short Story Index once, but didn't find anything by Katherine Neville. I read this story over the holidays and enjoyed it very much; La Bellini is a wonderful character. Interestingly, she's not really the main character, though; the narrator of the story is a man. As far as I know, this is the first time Katherine Neville has written a story where a man is the main character. It's about a young Swiss nobleman in Paris who had met a beautiful woman (La Bellini) fifteen years before, and a promise that was made. To say more might spoil the story, though...

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