Merry Meet
This page features some of my writing, from the view point of a witch.

This is a poem I wrote about the absence of love, about a man
or soul I feel connected to but cannot find.
Like a soul mate I have yet to find.
I wrote this poem to the tune of "Falling Rain."
Currently my mother and I are working on the song to fit these lines into a type of ballad.
I will try and get the music up soon.
This is an essay I wrote for school once on the experience of being a witch.
I would like to revise it, but have many other projects ahead of it.
This is an essay I wrote for school once on myths of death found in many different cultures.
I was forced to summarize many of the legends for the assignment, but I plan on filling the essay out one day.
I wrote this short story in honor of my great-grandmother.
She was a wise and caring individual who I looked up to when I was young.
This short story is one I wrote from an image I had after just waking up.
It is not really witchy, but it is a good story. I do need to correct the beginning though. It is historically inaccurate.