SpiritWindz: Friends of a Feather

This web page offers links to other Native American or Native American-themed homepages.

I hope that you will enjoy visiting these other Native American homepages. Many of these sites are filled with wonderful links and share a wealth of information. Some of these sites contain beautiful and impressive graphics and music that will surely be enjoyed by the viewer. If you or anyone you know have a Native American website that you feel I should review and include here, please email me with the URL (web address) and I would be happy to consider it and hopefully include it among the other sites on this page.

I wish to take this opportunity to thank all of those who have taken such time and effort to develop their Native American sites, so that others might learn and share in this proud heritage.

Links to other sites on the Web

Laughing Eyes' Native American Links
RuninFox's Cherokee Home Page
Stonee's WebLodge
WarOwl's Final Fray!
OWasake's Home Page
George Britt's Homepage, links to Native Amer...
Spirit Walker's Drum Talk
Takkon's Powwow
PrettyMoon's Home Page
Alihelisdi's Home Page
Tommy Wildcat's Page
Cindy's Page (Moonhawk)

Do not judge your neighbor
until you walk two moons
in his moccasins.

(Northern Cheyenne)

We are friends;
We must assist each other
to bear our burdens.


Do not wrong or hate your neighbor,
for it is not he that you wrong
but yourself.


One foe is too many
and a hundred friends
too few.


I have been to the end of the earth.
I have been to the end of the waters.
I have been to the end of the sky.
I have been to the end of the mountains.
I have found none that are not my friends.


Don't walk behind me; I may not lead.
Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow.
Walk beside me that we may be as one.


Only two relationships are possible ---
to be a friend or to be an enemy.


Always look at your moccasin tracks first
before you speak of another's faults.


Friendship cannot be bought;
you have to help make it.


Come Visit These Other SpiritWindz Sites:

Welcome to SPIRITWINDZ - Skye's Home Page
Skye's Page in Honor of the Animals
Skye's Native American Spirituality Page
Skye's Genealogy Page


© 1997 skye888@aol.com

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