Being a "mixed-blood" Indian, I felt the need to include a genealogy page on my web site, as I know that there are so many other people out there like me. Since for so many generations it was thought of as "shameful" to be Indian in this country by the dominant Non-Indian society, many Indian people sacrificed their culture and adopted the culture of the dominant society in order to "survive". Consequently, this has resulted in many Indian people today, both "mixed-bloods" and "full-bloods", searching for their roots and wanting to know the Indian heritage that they were denied. Everyone has the instinctive need and desire to know who they are and where they came is simply part of being human.
It is also my hope that this web site might make people think twice about the impact of discrimination. I don't just mean discrimination between races, but also discrimination within a given race. I know that I, personally, have endured such discrimination first hand due to the fact that I am a "mixed-blood" or "mixed-race". Sadly, much of the prejudice that I have endured has come from other Indian people who happen to have been born with more Indian blood quantum than myself. I have tried to see past such prejudices and understand the perspective of the person standing in judgment of me, all the while refusing to let their negativity have an impact on my sense of who I am. I have come to learn that I do not need a piece of paper nor the acceptance of other people to know who and what I am. I KNOW who I am.....and more importantly, I am PROUD of who I am.
For those of you who have come to this site in search of finding your own roots.....I wish you much peace and happiness along your journey.
- Teton Sioux Proverb
There is no such thing as "part-Cherokee". Either you're Cherokee or you're not. It isn't the quantity of Cherokee blood in your veins that is important, but the quality of it.....your pride in it. I have seen full-bloods who have virtually no idea of the great legacy entrusted to their care. Yet, I have seen people with as little as 1/500th blood quantum who inspire the spirits of their ancestors because they make being Cherokee a proud part of their everyday life.
- Jim Pell, Principal Chief of the North Alabama Cherokee Tribe
- Will Rogers (a.k.a. The Cherokee Kid)
ShadCat's Free Geneology Listings
Genealogy Resources on the internet - WWW
History of the Cherokee - Genealogy
Native American Genealogy
How To Trace Your Native American Heritage
Tracing Your Roots
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