Being of mixed race, I was born in Onondaga, NY to an Eastern Cherokee (Tsalagi) / Irish mother and a Greek / Italian / Mohawk father. Although I am proud of my complete heritage, I wish to pay particular honor and respect to my Native American heritage in the pages of this web site. This web site is also in honor of my Cherokee grandfather, who was a very talented and gifted man, but who tragically left this earth while still a young man. I never had the good fortune to meet him in person or to learn from him directly, but his artistic spirit lives within me. I dedicate this web site to him.
- Teton Sioux Proverb
Commentaries contained within the pages of this website are based on my own personal experiences. I wish to make it clear that I in no way claim to speak on behalf of a specific Indian Nation or for all American Indian people in general. Just as Native Americans are a very diverse people, so too are our individual experiences.
Disclaimer: The links included at this web site are ONLY for the purpose of sharing available internet information with others. They do not necessarily reflect the thoughts, beliefs, or opinions of the author of this web site.
Native American Directory
Main Menu: Native American Indian PlentyStuff
Native American Organizations on the Internet
Paths To Cherokee Information & Resources
The Cherokee Nation
Cherokee Companion Links Page
Stonee's Native Links
The Spirit Winds
- Skye (1998)
- Unknown
(Indian Farewell, Tribe Unknown)
Come Visit These Other SpiritWindz Sites:
© 1997