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All things flow from one source,
The great, unending sea of mind.
Mysterious is this source of creation, beyond words,
A primordial ocean, mother to all things,
Ebbing and flowing in tidal pools,
Welling up like mountain springs.

It is the nature of mind to create;
Never static or satisfied, mind is forever building anew;
Purposeful, driven, always more complex,
Ever more spectacular and rich in energy.  
All things rise in pairs from this primal mind;
The yin and yang, source of all harmony and tension.  

Foremost of pairs is the living and the nonliving,
Both flow from the sea of mind,
But only the living has the nature of mind;
Only the living has the power to conceive.

The nature of the living is growth and energy,
The nature of the nonliving is chaos, and entropy.


All things have a mother;
Gaia is the mother of life on Earth.
From the fires of her biology she made the air to breathe,
Kept the seas habitable, the temperatures moderate.
Her creatures sow the vital nutrients in just the right amounts.
Gaia keeps the dynamic balance.

Gaia is an inferno that illuminates and consumes
As life feeds on itself to survive and grow.
Achieving balance between preservation and sacrifice,
Using the destruction of chaos to further her ends,
Gaia spins the ever turning wheel,
And creates magnificence balanced on a razor's edge.

Gaia nurtures her children,
Stores their knowledge well.
In her own first cells, Gaia created the coding of life,
Turning chemical structures into amazing design and action.
It is the mind of Gaia

That makes the children dance and eagles soar


All things have a mother;
Human cultures are Gaia's children.
But mankind is a precocious child,
Mindful like, yet mindless of their mother.
Gaining in worldly knowledge
While forgetting their worldly lineage.

Alone among the animals,
Human societies grow, create, destroy.
Building on their own coded data,
Passed down from one to another,
Given meaning by the collective memories
Of their own distinct consciousness

Humanity creates its own vital force,
Teaming with energy; creative and destructive,
Humanity's creations rest on a precarious balance.
Always in danger of falling,
One way into decay,
The other into destruction.


Each of us has many mothers;
We are children of our society,
Children of Gaia,
Children of the One Mind;
Connected to all
In ways mysterious.

We all feel the primordial struggle
Between mind and no-mind;
Between the drive to be, to create,
And the wasting power of entropy.
Between genius and madness, creation and destruction,
Samsara and nirvana.

We hear the universal music,
Perceive the ancient rhythms.
Climbing higher in our solitary striving,
We must look back to the minds from which we came.
All and several together,
One great and glorious dance.


One life, society, Gaia, the One Mind,
How wondrous is the chain of life!

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