![]() |
Sveiki atvykæ! Welcome to my Guestbook! Willkommen! |
Millie Redweik - 10/15/99 04:57:06
My Email:robmilredweik@rtcol.com
Where are you from?: Indiana,USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 61
Do you remember how you found my home page?: just looking
Thank you for the beauty of the pages. Both in the writing and in the backgrounds and pictures. I appreciated reading the stories. Keep up the work. I'm looking for relatives from Lithuania.
Rue Karnaitis - 10/07/99 03:15:54
My Email:karnaitis.rue@saugov.sa.gov.au
Where are you from?: Australia
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 20yrs
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Lithuania inquiry
Very good, informative
Lady Eileen - 09/29/99 10:04:12
My URL:/southbeach/inlet/7763
My Email:ecarey1@frontiernet.net
Where are you from?: New York
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: hmmm (below 50)
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Victorian Gathering Place
I found your site extremely interesting. I expecially loved the page of the Lithuanian Christmas tradition. I'll be back to visit often. Please stop by Hobbyville for a visit !
Gail Bernot VanWart - 09/10/99 23:55:28
My Email:moosec97@aol.com
Where are you from?: Maine
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 50
Do you remember how you found my home page?: LithRatPack
What a wonderful site you have. I enjoy learning about the land my grandparents vame from. Aciu.
Maryanne Laukaitis - 09/10/99 14:17:05
My URL:http://mrdc.org
My Email:maryanne@larp.umass.edu
Where are you from?: Massachusetts, USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 40+
Do you remember how you found my home page?: onelist
Hi Audrone: Ac mieliu tavo puslape ! Prausu, excuse my poor Lithuanian.
Stop in at the page I maintain for my job. the pictures there are near my home, or in my yard.
Lady Paula - 07/27/99 10:35:43
My URL:/Heartland/Grove/3151
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Return visit!
Audrone, I returned to learn more about Lithuania and to visit your lovely pages!
Ann Robinson - 07/23/99 19:53:05
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Forest/6923
My Email:jarobin@bellsouth.net
Where are you from?: Rico, Ga. U.S.A.
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 39
Do you remember how you found my home page?: V.G.P.
Your site is lovely and I will come back when I have more time to spend. Would you mind if I used your site to teach some children a little bit about your country? You have done such a fantastic job! I'm so glad we're sisters in the V.G.P.!
Paula - 06/14/99 15:16:44
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Grove/3151
My Email:grannydancer@geocities.com
Where are you from?: Delaware, USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: a grandmother!
Do you remember how you found my home page?: webring
Your site is lovely! I just joined the "Victorian Gathering Place" and hope you will stop by my site for a visit!
Uli Moehler - 04/18/99 13:27:54
My URL:UliMoehler@aol.com
Your hobby: meine Familie
Age: 43
Where are you from?: Deutschland
Have you visited me before?: nein
Do you remember how you found my site?: Suchmaschine
Schöne Homepage!!!
Ich war gerade in Litauen. Das Land und die Menschen haben mich sehr beeindruckt! Ich habe dort eine evangelisch-lutherische Diakonie-Station besucht. Ihr Name ist "Sandora" und sie befindet sich in Kretinga im Westen des Landes. Wir unterstützen "Sandora
mit Hilfsgütern und Spenden. Für Unterstützung aus der ganzen Welt sind wir dankbar!!
Diana Craft - 04/10/99 18:20:56
My URL:snhndrz@netusa1.net
My Email:/~dianasleafery
Page name: Lady Diana's Leafery
Your hobby: cross-stitch, calligraphy, quilting, decorative painting, roses, quotes, and collections.
Age: 56
Where are you from?: Indiana, USA
Have you visited me before?: No, I hadn't had that pleasure.
Do you remember how you found my site?: I do, through the Victorian Gathering Place
Welcome Lady Audrone,
I too am part of The Victorian Gathering Place and it is a pleasure to have you join us.
I truly enjoyed your garden page and will hang around a while longer to look everything over.
Please come and visit when you have a sp re moment.
Lady Diana
Danute Bankaitis - 04/01/99 19:08:50
My URL:chip_davis@msn.com
Age: 41
Where are you from?: Boulder, CO
Have you visited me before?: NO
Do you remember how you found my site?: MSN search
I'm looking for Lithuanian Children's books. Any suggestions on sources?
Thank you, Danute "Bunki" Bankaitis-Davis
Daphne - 03/04/99 17:04:51
My URL:peonie@geocities.com
My Email:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/7674/
Page name: Daphne's Homepage
Your hobby: Writing, quilting, crosstitch
Where are you from?: Newfoundland, Canada
Have you visited me before?: No
Do you remember how you found my site?: E-mail
Your website is really lovely. I didn't have time to go through everything today so will have to make another trip back. Keep up the great work!!!
Evaldas - 02/08/99 16:37:44
Your hobby: reklama
Age: 30
Where are you from?: Lietuva
Have you visited me before?: ne
Do you remember how you found my site?: ne
Malonu pamatyti ka raso mano mama apie Lietuva ir
savo hobi, malonumus.
Sharon - 01/18/99 20:15:27
My URL:http://grdnlvr@juno.com
Your hobby: gardening, playing the piano, reading, lots more :o)
Age: 42
Where are you from?: Belle Plaine, Kansas, USA
Have you visited me before?: no
Do you remember how you found my site?: I was just looking through the geocities gardening sites and saw it listed there
How nice to read in your own words how you started gardening and what you do. It's very interesting to learn about people who live so far away, and who enjoy growing things as much as we (my husband and myself) do!
Albin Svennelid - 01/04/99 10:12:13
My URL:albin@hem.passagen.se
Your hobby: flying, computer
Age: 15
Where are you from?: sweden
Have you visited me before?: no
Do you remember how you found my site?: no
very nice page, It´s very well done
Susanna Brazauskas - 12/01/98 18:42:17
Your hobby: needlework, languages, mythology
Age: 43
Where are you from?: Winnipeg, Canada
Have you visited me before?: Yes
Do you remember how you found my site?: search engine
Great Site! Love your graphics.
Daniel Verkya - 11/16/98 11:16:34
My URL:danielv@ses.vic.gov.au
My Email:http://www.ses.vic.gov.au/~danielv/drevil/
Your hobby: genealogy
Age: 24
Where are you from?: Melbourne, Australia
Have you visited me before?: nope
Do you remember how you found my site?: from our emails
I found your page. Very nice. Its been great tracking family history possibilities. see you later.
Hans Dieter - 11/10/98 23:20:45
My URL:H.D.Erhart@T-Online.de
My Email:im Entwurf
Your hobby: Reisen und Tanzen
Age: 48
Where are you from?: Dillenburg, Deutschland - ca. 100 km nördlich von Frankfurt am Main
Have you visited me before?: nein
Do you remember how you found my site?: in Deiner Hompage
Liebe Audra, heute sah ich das erste Mal Deine Hompage. Diese hat mich so beeindruckt, daß ich Dir sofort mitteilen muß, wie toll Du das gemacht hast. Ich gratuliere Dir herzlich dazu.
Roschy Berthe und Emmanuel - 11/09/98 21:19:46
My URL:eroschy@starnet.ch
My Email:http://www.eroschy.ch
Page name: Brieffreundschaft
Your hobby: Schreiben,Reisen,Lesen..
Age: 62
Where are you from?: Schweiz
Have you visited me before?: nein
Do you remember how you found my site?: nein
Name: Loreta | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: neturiu | Your hobby: bendrauti su dorais þmonëmis, mëgstu megsti, siûti, klausytis ramios muzikos, þaisti su dukryte | Age: 37 |
Where are you from?: Lietuva | Have you visited me before?: ne | Do you remember how you found my site?: paslaptis, pasisekë ir tiek |
Audrone, sveikinu ir dþiaugiuosi! Jûsø puslapis nuostabus.Dar kartà ásitikinau, kad esate visapusiðkas þmogus.Linkiu sëkmës pleèiant puslapá.Dabar turite plaèias galimybes atrasti sau atitikmená interneto draugø tarpe. To ir linkiu. Sëkmës!
Cindy - 09/24/98 23:34:29 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Name: Lissa | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: Lissa's Page | Your hobby: dance | Age: 11 |
Where are you from?: Florida | Have you visited me before?: no | Do you remember how you found my site?: Link from another page |
Awesome page! I like your background on the first page :)
07/14/98 12:09:35
Name: Kathleen | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: Kathleen B's Home Page | Your hobby: Reading and computing | Age: 59 |
Where are you from?: North Carolina | Have you visited me before?: Yes! | Do you remember how you found my site?: From your email |
Audra, I'm so proud of you. Your page is getting very good. I will send you my award!
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 02:27:47
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
06/05/98 23:13:45
Name: Celeste Humphries | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: Audra Home Page | Your hobby: read | Age: 45 |
Where are you from?: Houston, Texas, USA | Have you visited me before?: no | Do you remember how you found my site?: from your letter to me |
Great page! I'll read more later. I finally saw you in your pictures. Bye, Celeste
Name: Susan Ferrill My URL: Visit Me My Email: Email Me Your hobby: Needlework, reading, dancing, languages, genealogy Age: 44 Where are you from?: Houston, Texas, USA Have you visited me before?: no Do you remember how you found my site?: via invitation
Audra: Your website is very good! I enjoyed myself here. I hope we remain penpals for a long time to come. Keep up the good work!
06/01/98 06:55:10
Name: Rachelle | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: pronounced ruh-shell : ) | Your hobby: hhmm. . .that's a toughy. . .school? | Age: oh goodness. . .too old for my years |
Where are you from?: Washington, USA | Have you visited me before?: nope | Do you remember how you found my site?: thru my guestbook |
Hey, great page, I think you're doing fine as a newbie : ). keep up the great work! Rachelle : )
05/28/98 07:10:30
Name: Evelina | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | Your hobby: viskas po biski |
Age: 25 | Where are you from?: Lithuania |
Sveikinu pazengus i prieki. Malonu. Audrone, gal greitai ir serveri savo atidarysit?:))))
P.S. Jusu vyras l. grazus.
Name: Agneta Svennelid | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Your hobby: Computer.gardening | Age: 49 | Where are you from?: Sweden |
Have you visited me before?: No | Do you remember how you found my site?: You invited me |
Very good homepage.You are so ambitious.
05/18/98 10:50:45
Name: Kathleen Buchanan | My URL: Visit Me | My Email: Email Me |
Page name: Kathleen B's Home Page | Your hobby: This computer! | Age: Grandma age |
Where are you from?: North Carolina | Have you visited me before?: No | Do you remember how you found my site?: You invited me. |
Hi Audra,
I hope this GB works. Your page is lovely!
05/18/98 09:35:00
Name: L.-I. Porges | My URL: Visit Me |
Where are you from?: Germany | Have you visited me before?: of course |
Hi Audra!
Congratulations!!! It is every time nice to visit
your wonderful page! You have done a very good
work!!! I really like your page.