Welcome to my Guestbook!
I appreciate your comments!
Shari - 12/28/00 19:17:34
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/sd/sharsmidis/sharicorner.html
My Email:sharibecker@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Ohio
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: fortysomething!
Do you remember how you found my home page?: VLP
I had a great visit! Your pages and graphics are stunning. So much to see and enjoy! I would like to cordially invite you to join Always Victorian webring. The ring is very low key right now. With the Holidays around the corner, we are all busy. Please consider joining, your site would make a wonderful addition to the ring. Hope to see you there!

Judith Santibanez - 12/15/00 01:37:57
My Email:judith.santibanez@trowbridge.com.au
Where are you from?: Sydney Australia
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 48 - not at all
Do you remember how you found my home page?: websearch:Lithuania horses
Thrilled to enter your unusual page. It says it was updated today, 15 Dec 2000. I hate finding out of date stuff on the web.
I also love languages and their speakers. My favourite teacher at school(French and Latin) was a lady from Lithuania. She is the reason I later learned Spanish, and now I am fairly fluent in it, having married a Chilean.
I am desperate to change from boring work to something involving language. Unfortunately I do not have a uni degree, though capable of it.
I also love horses and believe you have some good ones over there.
Now for further surprising facts for you, maybe: my older sister and her husband can speak Lithuanian and have been there! They are very language minded and talented.
Hope to hear from you. I'll study your page further!
Warm greetings from the Olympic city!
Irene Newhouse - 12/07/00 20:18:36
My URL:http://members.nbci.com/newhoir/index.html
My Email:newhoir@mail.auburn.edu
Where are you from?: Hawaii, USA
Do you remember how you found my home page?: looking for Lithuanian-English dictionary
Can you tell me what a knygrisys [first s has hook
over it] is? That was the profession of the only
one of my Vilnius cousins still alive in the Ghetto in 1942. The glossary in the book says "backbinder", but that is not really an English word.
I am interested in what you said about Lithuanian Easter eggs: I learned how to do Ukrainian-style eggs from a lady who grew up in Ukraine. To do those, you cover the area to remain white with wax, dip it in yellow, cover the yellow, dip it in the next
arker color, and so on. I would like to see some pictures...
I used to knit, but we have lived in Hawaii 2 years & there is no need for knitted things here - much too hot.
I garden. It's very different here.
Carol Augustine - 12/01/00 03:58:33
My Email:cookie3lith@yahoo.com
Where are you from?: Indiana/USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 50
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Looked up Lithuania
My grandparents on both sides came from Lithuania, so, I am interested in the country,traditions, and any other information I can get pertaining to this lovely country. I would love to be able to have an e-mail friend there to write to (one who does know
nglish) and get to know more about where my grandparents came from, and any history of the country. I did read the Christmas tradition, and the little story you have in your site, and I loved it. I may not speak the language and know very much about the c
untry, but, I am still proud of my ancestry. Thanks for letting me visit here...Carol Augustine. (my grandparents said the name was Augustinavicius or something close to this, when they lived in Lithuania, they shortend it because no one could spell it..M
other Grandparents name was Struckus...I would love to know more about these families if at all possible...thanks)
Lady Libbie - 11/25/00 21:35:09
My Email:vintagereproductions@westriv.com
Where are you from?: North Dakota, USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 51
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Victorian Ladies Parlour
Dear Audrone,
I am fairly new to Victorian Ladies Parlour and am so delighted to be a member. How wonderful that ladies around the world have a place to enjoy Victorian things. I haven't had a chance to see all the member's sites but sure am glad I visited yours. Thank
you so much for your Christmas traditions page. It was great learning about how you celebrate Christmas. Thank you andI will visit again. You have a beautiful site and I loved the picture of you and your husband! Lady Libbie
Alban - 11/02/00 16:25:15
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/alban_kovaci
My Email:albani77@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Albania
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 23
Do you remember how you found my home page?: geocities members search about Lithuania
Hi. I couldn't understand your name and it would be nice if you make an effort to introduce yourself at your home page. Anyway I just wanted to greet you. I have a very closed friend from Lithuania (Vilnius) and she has told me a lot of thinks about. I ho
e to come and visit your country some day. Bye!
Etie Bolt - 11/01/00 16:27:34
My URL:http://www.makelaardijetiebolt.nl
My Email:etie@makelaardijetiebolt.nl
Where are you from?: the Netherlands
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 43
Do you remember how you found my home page?: web search Lt tourism
Dear Audrone,
Reading the book from Princes Lydia Wassiltschikow (ISBN 3-217-01068-X) who lived with here husband (as a young couple) at the Jurburg (Jurbarkas?) Estate till the 1917 revolution (they married there in 1909, here husband was Prince Ilarion Wassiltschikow
I wondered:
- Is there anything left of the old Jurburg Estate house (Jurbarkas).
- The family tried to come back in the then independent Lithuania in 1919. Did they live there after 1919?
Yours sincerely,
Etie J. Bolt
Dalfsen, the Netherlands
Biggi Brender - 10/29/00 01:00:51
My Email:vbrender@isoa.net
Where are you from?: USA (prev. Germany)
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 55
I like the webpage very much. Great job! I enjoyed the picture of you and your husband. You are a good looking couple. Take care.
Lady Bordeaux - 09/28/00 20:06:03
My URL:/wellesley/garden/6211
My Email:rain700@hotmail.com
Where are you from?: Southern California, USA
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 28
Do you remember how you found my home page?: VLP
Just joined the group not to long ago and wanted to make my rounds. (smile) I'll be seeing you around!
A Charland - 09/08/00 11:58:12
My Email:sew_chatty@mountaincable.net
Where are you from?: Canada
How old are you (if you don't mind)?: 51
Do you remember how you found my home page?: Lithuanian... interest......
I have been researching my Lithuanian heritage... and I found your site absolutely wonderful....I admire your ability to create such beautiful pages and would love to learn how you have done such a beautiful job... I am Lithuanian and would love to hear f
om you...
Alana - 07/28/00 06:17:35
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/nc2/victorian/welcome.html
My Email:alana@grits.net
Where are you from?: NC
How are you old if you don't mind?: 35
How did you find me?: The Victorian Ladies Parlour
I have visited your pages before and it was a pleasure to come back again. I enjoyed seeing your pictures. I also like gardening and I have four cats! I hope to see you more at the Parlour.
Message Time: |
Tuesday, July 25, 2000 15:37:58 |
Name: |
linda ackerman |
From: |
w.v. usa |
E-mail Address: |
almfacv@aol.vom |
Home Page: |
angel amy |
How Found: |
surfing |
How Found: |
what a wonderful place you have created..i
bookmarded and hope to come back...god bless...

Message Time: |
Thursday, July 20, 2000 11:09:08 |
Name: |
Lady Annie |
From: |
Georgia, U.S.A. |
E-mail Address: |
jarobin@bellsouth.net |
Home Page: |
Annie's Friendship Garden |
How Found: |
Victorian Ladies Parlor |
How Found: |
Hi Aundrone,
I made it this time. You have done wonderful things here at your home on the web! I copied
the Christmas page to share with my Girl Scouts. ( You knew I would) I had a wonderful
visit today! |
Message Time: |
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 14:29:54 |
Name: |
Amy Quattrini |
From: |
US-Pennsylvania-live in Atlanta, Georgia |
E-mail Address: |
a_quattrini@yahoo.com |
How Found: |
off of the victorian Parlour |
How Found: |
I'm looking forward to getting to know your country
as well as you. |
Message Time: |
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 13:00:40 |
Name: |
Connie P. |
From: |
Ga. USA |
E-mail Address: |
ffm_connie@yahoo.com |
Home Page: |
Designz |
How Found: |
How Found: |
Hello! It has been a pleasure to visit your website!

Message Time: |
Wednesday, July 19, 2000 11:08:37 |
Name: |
Lady Mylassen |
E-mail Address: |
mylassen@iname.com |
Home Page: |
Ladies Parlour |
How Found: |
How Found: |
Just wanted to tell you how happy I am that you are
a part of the group! I hope you have filled out the tea swap form so I can match you up
with a partner. Also don't forget that the theme today is to visit all the Ladies whose
name starts with an A.
Message Time: |
Saturday, July 8, 2000 9:27:19 |
Name: |
Deb |
From: |
E-mail Address: |
deb72@cableone.net |
Home Page: |
'ONLINE' Class Reunion &
Friendship pages |
How Found: |
Yvonne |
How Found: |
HI!! You have a very lovely site. I truly enjoyed
visiting it and reading all about your country. Thank you so much for sharing with us. |
Message Time: |
Friday, June 23, 2000 22:38:30 |
Name: |
Kathleen |
From: |
North Carolina |
E-mail Address: |
mammawk6@yahoo.com |
Home Page: |
B's Home Page |
How Found: |
You are my old friend! |
How Found: |
I just looked at this guestboob (it's my old one) and saw lots of entries. I am putting
your gift graphic on my main page. Thanks. Your site is getting better and better. Your
graphics are wonderful!! |
Message Time: |
Sunday, June 18, 2000 22:10:41 |
Name: |
Bernice Aviza |
From: |
Albany, NY USA |
E-mail Address: |
BLAviza@worldnet.att.net |
Home Page: |
Kids |
How Found: |
browsing |
How Found: |
In my community, I have about 20 children in the
ages of 3 to 15. I have been trying to keep them
involved in their heritage. I just began to set
up a web site. |
Message Time: |
Thursday, May 25, 2000 11:13:07 |
Name: |
Detlef |
From: |
Deutschland |
E-mail Address: |
Pksammler4@aol.com |
Home Page: |
How Found: |
Hallo Audra !
Ich bin heute mal wieder hier und will einen schoenen Gruss zu Dir senden . Ich wuensche
Alles Gute -- Detlef |
Message Time: |
Thursday, May 25, 2000 4:06:41 |
Name: |
Maiju |
From: |
Helsinki, Finland |
E-mail Address: |
maiju.vuori@mbnet.fi |
Home Page: |
Maiju's page |
How Found: |
you send me email :) |
How Found: |
Hi!! Thanx for your email! I really liked visiting
your page, I especially liked the Euro-tour as I'm very into travelling too! You've done a
huge work with these pages and I can see the result; great! By the way, I collect
viewcards and don't have any from your country yet so if itz not too much problem could
you send me one about your town or Lithuania's nature? Not necessary tough. Please email
me again to get my snail mail address if u wanna help. If u collect something inexpencive
just tell me. Thanx and please visit my page! |
Message Time: |
Wednesday, May 17, 2000 11:56:17 |
Name: |
Maiju |
From: |
Helsinki, Finland |
E-mail Address: |
maiju.vuori@mbnet.fi |
How Found: |
from Detlef's guestbook |
How Found: |
Greetings from Finland and best wishes!! :) |
Message Time: |
Wednesday, April 12, 2000 17:13:11 |
Name: |
Vytautas M. Baltutis |
From: |
Beaumont, Texas |
E-mail Address: |
vbaltut@beaumont.k12.tx.us |
How Found: |
looking up lLithuanian stuff |
How Found: |
I would like to know where the best place would be
to start looking for birth and death records of some of my ancestors. Is there some sort
of internet in Russia or the Ukraine? I am looking for any records of an Alexander
Baltutis(World War I soldier{Russian Army})and his brother Viktor Baltutis(also Russian
Army). Both last corresponded with their father, Adomas Baltutis.
I would also like to find information on Adomas Baltutis. He was a merchant in Voronezh.
Please send me something soon. Achu labai.
-Vytautas |
Message Time: |
Monday, April 3, 2000 8:36:01 |
Name: |
Bernard Tirva |
From: |
Texas / USA |
E-mail Address: |
btirva1@academicplanet.com |
Home Page: |
How Found: |
from you |
How Found: |
You have done a wonderful job on your webpages -
they are not only great to look at, but very
informative. I am happy to be in touch with you
by email and chat. Your work is an inspiration to
those of us who are a little slower in getting things
Bernard |
Message Time: |
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 15:47:29 |
Name: |
Brian |
From: |
dutch living in Klaipeda |
E-mail Address: |
sorry |
How Found: |
surfing |
How Found: |
Hiya, how r u doing? impressedby your page. I tried
to chat to Lithuanians and Russians before, but i'm just being ignored. They think i'm a
capitalist pig. Nice to see that some people apparently think otherwise.I've been living
in Klaipeda for 3 years now and i enjoy myself there. At the moment i'm working offshore
in Denmark that's why i can't give u a email address. I'll come back later to check your
page again. take care. |
Message Time: |
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 14:28:22 |
Name: |
Detlef |
From: |
Germany |
E-mail Address: |
Pksammler4@aol.com |
Home Page: |
Postcards Page |
How Found: |
addy is from you |
How Found: |
Hallo Audra !
I was here again today , your homepage is wonderful , a great work !! Du hast Dir sehr
viel Arbeit gemacht und es ist grossartig gelungen . Meiner Frau hat Deine
"Gardening" Seite sehr gut gefallen . Mir haben Deine Reisebilder gut gefallen ,
als wir letztes Jahr in Paris waren stand am Eiffelturm noch 149 Tage bis Millenium .Ich
habe mir auch die homepage von Fam. Roschy angesehen , auch wunderbar .Ich gruesse Alle
Leute die in Deiner Homepage zu Gast sind -- Greetings to all peoples-- Detlef |
Message Time: |
Tuesday, March 14, 2000 8:37:07 |
Name: |
Yvonne |
From: |
California |
E-mail Address: |
VictorianViaVon@home.com |
Home Page: |
Via Von |
How Found: |
from you, Audrone! |
How Found: |
(((((((Audra)))))) Just finished touring your
website home's rennovations and am so impressed with all of your hard work!! You've done a
marvelous job and you should be so very proud of yourself! I love so many of the graphics
you've created too ... WELL DONE!! **applause** I left you a voice-mail greeting and
hopefully you have gotten it! Love & Warmest Hugs to you, my friend! Yvonne |
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