Hurstville Boy's High School

School Profile

A Caring Learning Environment

Learning is most effective where students feel safe and happy. This is achieved at our school by:

School-Wide Commitment to Total Quality Education

The school is organised to provide a quality education through:

Committed to Achieving Excellence in Boys' Education

Research suggests that boys learn best in an environment which is organised to suit their needs. At Hurstville Boys' we cater for these needs by:

Outstanding Range of Resources

An excellent range of equipment and facilities is available to support the learning programs offered at the school. They include:

A Highly Qualified Staff aware of Students' Individual Learning Styles

Boys learn best when they are given the opportunity to work in their own learning style. The dedicated staff at Hurstville Boys' High provide:

This dedication is reflected in the performance of our students in the HSC. Outstanding results have been achieved in Contemporary English, Mathematics, Physics and Business Studies. Year 12 students have gained TER's which have placed them in the top 5% of the state.

A Curriculum which Emphasises Science and Technology

MacIntosh LaboratoryThe school is guided by the statement "Education for the 21st Century". To participate in this society students will need the knowledge and skills provided by Science, Mathematics, Information Technology and Industrial Technology. The curriculum at the school provides the student with the opportunity to study:

Dynamic Creative Arts with opportunities for Students to Express Themselves in Visual and Music Forms

Facilities are available at the school to study the various Visual Arts, ranging from painting and drawing through to ceramics and photography.

The opportunity exists for students to study music and develop their skills in a range of musical instruments.

For those with an enthusiasm for musical performance, the school band provides a perfect outlet.

A Comprehensive Program Catering to a Wide Range of Interests

Mechanic's WorkshopAt Hurstville Boys' High we are proud of the curriculum which offers something for everybody. This is demonstrated by:

General Information

Important details of the school include:

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