KG-209s Links O' Plenty!!!
Take a deep breath and follow a link. Be careful and don't blame me if something bad happens.
A really good Julie Newmar Page
You just gotta love The Dead Milkmen
Odd Bus Story I admit I had something to do with this...
Journey on down to Kara's Dynamic Sex Kara's a sweet girl with a nice page, give her a visit whydontcha
And of course Walter Mondale's Nancy Regean's in the Buttertub A page of which I am in constant awe..
I kid you not, this is real. CIA for Kids!(?)
I chung, we chung, wang chung, Yuchung
The OTHER page I have had something to do with
David Demmin's Page of Melancholy
Todd's not a bad guy, I don't care what anybody says.
Mr. Funnelhead
I don't think I need to explain the mystery involved here
What the hell?
Or be a wuss, and go back to KG-209's Page of Mystery!