emerald - 12/26/00 06:09:08
My Email:emeraldmay523@hotmail.com
Reason for living: death
I stumbled across your web site, and you have some interesting things to say. I enjoyed it. Email me if you ever want to talk. Peace.
emerald - 12/26/00 06:08:57
My Email:emeraldmay5232hotmail.com
Reason for living: death
I stumbled across your web site, and you have some interesting things to say. I enjoyed it. Email me if you ever want to talk. Peace.
Ralph Nader - 09/08/00 06:28:21
My URL:http://www.votenader.com
Reason for living: Freedom and jJustice for all (really cool cats)
I haven't forgotten about you Jimmy. I've just been busy.
Stephanie - 03/30/00 02:05:28
My Email:sfalstrom@hotmail.com
Reason for living: havent figured that out yet
you crack me up
Candace - 11/07/99 19:34:16
My Email:captin_candy@hotmail.com
Reason for living: It's all my mom's fault..and my dad's
This is the first time I've been here and I already like it. I am looking up stuff on auras cause I just recently found out that I can see them...it's weird stuff. Interesting site...
Love always,
Julie - 08/25/99 17:40:42
My Email:jkipp@oakcc.com
Reason for living: Mike Palmer
I have no comments for you. You could probably guess anything I was going to say anyway.
GOD - 01/08/99 07:59:03
My URL:http://heaven.com
My Email:Thebigguy@msn.com
Reason for living: Creation, Licking
Hey, What are you doing? I make you, I set you free, I give you such toys to be merry with and you set up this hompage and leave it alone for so long??? It's not the universe there johnny, get to work lazyass
10/26/98 07:02:53
Name: Bad Bunny | My URL: Visit Me |
My Email: Email Me | |
Just passing thru and saw your page Thanks
Cindy - 09/24/98 23:31:05 My URL:http://www.zecrets.com/users/cindy My Email:cinth@usa.net comment: Nice page.... please come visit my site :-) Thanks, Cindy | Comments: |
Oh my god I'm filled with cheese! So the mystery of this mystery is so mysterious it's killing me. Oooh better call Perry Mason. Oh wait no he's dead...
Kara Townsend - 07/03/98 02:25:45
My URL:http://www.dynamicSex.com
My Email:dwebmistress@yahoo.com
Hi! I was surfing through GeoCities and saw your page. Pretty Cool! My name is Kara. I am 24 years old and live in San Diego, CA. I have been teaching myself HTML for the last several months. Please visit my site, Kara
s dynamicSex and tell me what you think of it. I will be adding pictures of myself within the next couple days. I would love to exchange links with you!
Vidal Nelson - 05/29/98 06:23:15
My URL:http://lick.lick.com
My Email:wafflebrain@sprint.net
Reason for living: pants, and the lack there of
I just want to make sure everyone takes Leroys comments very seriously. We as Americans don't watch enough TV. I myself have gotten in the habit of sleeping and working so my TV hours have dropped sharply since the mid 80's when I was doing a healthy 10 h
urs a day. I think we all need to shoot for that goal again, come on everyone, what's your problem, get on the couch!
Jeradell Macfeasance - 05/28/98 06:26:10
My Email:Macfeasance@billybu.com
Reason for living: excretion y gender mutational quadraphonic nepotism
Wow. It is a nice webpage that is up here.
I am liking it.
Please to be putting more nice pictures of the pretty girl and an excretion page to add.
Many thank-yous.
leroy2001 - 05/28/98 00:44:41
My URL:http://www.yibou_sibuck.com
My Email:@aol.com
Reason for living: television
What are you doing on your computer, you should be watching TV, do you even know what's on right now? C'mon, where are your priorities?
We, as a race, need more dinosaurs or lions.
Walter Mondale - 05/21/98 03:28:13
My URL:/Athens/Aegean/1253
My Email:wpantsman@hotmail.com
Reason for living: scared of dying
Hey there. Thanks fer visiting my half assed homepage there, and yours is lookin spiffy. Please add more sections about cheese and the pope and I'll come back.
Your pal,
jessica - 05/14/98 20:07:08
Reason for living: well now, that's the big question, isn't it?
whiben dibo wibe gibet thibe pibictibure ibof *yibou* ibin iban ibunbibuttibonibed swibeatiber?
c'ibon, mibike, shibow ibus whibut wibe ribealliby wibant tibo sibee...
YenLoWang - 05/11/98 20:54:08
My Email:pmoon@oakcc.com
Reason for living: pot pot and more pot
hey nice page ummmm...
pretty girls r fun to look at and even better to taste!!!
Wingfat - 05/06/98 18:13:34
My Email:Obird@oakcc.com
Reason for living: Sex, Durgs, Rockn' Roll
Keep up the good work...
Ibalibex - 05/04/98 20:14:25
Reason for living: Moby Dick
This could be a very respectable page my friend, keep at it
KG-209 - 05/04/98 07:46:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/6146
My Email:kg209@hotmail.com
Reason for living: Depleting natural resources
Well, guys, it appears this works, so please leave
any comments you feel are worthwhile.