Picture of Thomas Andrews

Thomas Andrews
Builder of the Ship of Dreams



Harland & Wolff

Unsinkable Ships

The Voyage

The Impossible

The Hero

Final Thoughts

Stage & Screen

The Gallery


Links & Webrings




All text ©1999
M.A. Kribble

A word from our list-admin, Rbysliprs@aol.com:

The Mr. Andrews mailing list is for anyone interested in exchanging thoughts and information about Titanic's master shipbuilder, Thomas Andrews. What is it about him that still fascinates us after all these years?

Possible topics of discussion include his life, work, family history, portrayals in stage, screen, and fiction, recommendations of books and articles, research that list members have done and would like to share, and anything else about this remarkable Titanic hero.

Interested? Go to Onelist.com and subscribe to the list called MrAndrews. We look forward to hearing from you!