Crackpot Trivia provides links to a range of reference sites to help you write trivia questions or find the answers to them. Some sites (such as the chronologies) contain an absolute wealth of unexpected trivia. Take the time to fossick around them all :)

Science - Space - The Earth - Human history - Countries of the World - Philosophy - Literature - Art - Entertainment - Sport - Hobbies

Science -- Everything you ever wanted to know about mathematics or the periodic table of elements. Explanations of relativity and quantum mechanics. Info about Nobel prizes. Track down that elusive genus or species with plant and animal taxonomy or explore the world of human medicine.

Space -- Find out about amateur astronomy, the planets of the solar system, or produce a star map for any time or place.

The Earth -- Discover various world statistics such as the highest mountains or longest rivers in the world. Pinpoint any place on the globe with an interactive atlas or chart the movement of continental drift. Check out the weather or recent earthquakes.

Human history -- For a simple listing of events in history try these chronologies. There are also lists (with links for more detail) of Egyptian pharaohs, Chinese dynasties, Roman emperors, British monarchs, US presidents and Australian Prime Ministers. Learn about calendars from around the world or human evolution.

Countries of the world -- The CIA world factfile has an amazing amount of detail on every country in the world. Alternatively you can look up population statistics. You can also keep up to date with the latest flags and elections of the world.

Philosophy -- Find out about philosophers and their schools of thought, world religions and gods and godesses.

Literature -- The poetry archive has an index of many classical poets. Find out the winners of the Pulitzer and Booker prizes. Look up a dictionary or you can read great books online.

Art -- Check out the Artchive for over 2000 images of famous paintings. For more detailed links try this art history site. Or build on your architectural knowledge.

Entertainment -- - The movie database has the cast and crew (including gaffers) of every movie ever made. Plus lists of Academy awards, etc. Classical music buffs can check out these potted biographies of famous composers. Modern music lovers might prefer Sonic Net.

Sport - Everything you could ever want to know about cricket. Plus less comprehensive sites on aussie rules, golf, rugby league, soccer, tennis and the Olympics.

Games & hobbies - Find out how to play traditional games including board games. Cook up a storm with these recipes. Money collectors can check out pictures of coins and banknotes. And when you've absorbed all this knowledge, you can try some trivia quizzes.

Science - Space - The Earth - Human history - Countries of the World - Philosophy - Literature - Art - Entertainment - Sport - Hobbies

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This page has been visited times. If you have any comments or links you'd like to suggest, please address them to Christopher Connolly. Last updated 12 February 2003.