On a trip not long ago, to Chinatown in New York City, I visited a shop with some of the most exceptional Buddhist art pieces I have ever seen. The shop was called "Hua Yang USA Co Ltd" at 81 Mulberry St. in Chinatown (Manhattan). I took about a hundred pictures of these Buddhist art objects, and have culled from them a few of the most moving pictures. I have assembled the "Best of the Best" pictures in this slide show.
The original pictures were extremely high-quality, having been taken with a very high resolution camera. Although I had to reduce some of the resolution to make them useable on the Internet, this did not noticeably compromise the quality of these pictures. The high resolution is important in trying to capture the magnitude of the central figure, a humongous statue of "The Begging Buddha." This statue was immense, standing nearly seven (7) feet tall. One of the store clerks stood next to this statue so I could provide a sense of scale for one of the pictures. The enormity of this statue, heavy bronze, is truly captured in these pictures. The Begging Buddha had a "presence" and everyone who came into the shop was immediately confronted by it and was profoundly moved by its "presence."
Several weeks later I returned to the shop to take even more pictures, but "The Begging Buddha" was gone ... it had been sold. The shop just didn't seem the same after that. It was like a gaping hole was left behind, for anyone who had seen that spectacle. It was this profoundly moving experience that I am trying to share and convey in these pictures.
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