Are you tired of trying to work out the ideal keywords for SEO? Want to get some new ideas and have some fun playing with them? Care to join me in this experiment? Can we make a relatively common color adjective a hot buzz word for search engines!
While I doubt we'll make the top page of Technorati hopefully along the way we'll generate some traffic for our sites and maybe even raise some money for charity?
Let me know via the Purple Challenge Blog and Lens what and when you're posting on Purple Topics. Send URLS for yours and other posts you find so we can tell other people. Favorite Purple Challenge participants! Send me media reports! Check my sites for new URLS and copy them to yours!
I will be designing items and putting them up on my Cafe Press and Red Bubble sites. Any sales will be split 50% to my expenses for running the challenge, ISP fees, power bills, etc, and 50 % to charity. In the unlikely event I make a huge profit that ratio will change to 25 / 75 percent. All Squidoo cash will go entirely to Charity.I suggest you do the same? Put up a charity link on your site. Perhaps next to the links list to the other participants with a message like...
These people have joined the Purple Challenge! Support us!
What no one yet?
Keywords: PURPLE Purple purple Violet Porphry Lilac Mauve Amethyst(ine) Amaranth(ine) Heliotrope Ianthinos Murasaki is Japanese for purple. Zi is Modern Chinese for Purple. Plum Lavender Purpura Ianthine Viola Mor Ion Menekse Hamrawi Urujuani Lilla are more Purple words!
Topics: Purple as a color of a flower of leaf or dye. The Color Purple, the novel by Alice Walker, Purple Rain the album by Prince, the Hulk's Purple pants, the wearing of the purple by Roman and Byzantine emperors, the meaning of the term Purple-born in the Byzantine Empire, the murex shellfish, the city of Tyre, Lady Murasaki the Japanese Heian writer, whose name meant purple, words that mean purple in other languages, how Lilac, originally a Arabic and Farsi word, got borrowed into English, Ultra-Violet radiation, Euripides' play Ion, the Neo-Platonist philosopher Porphry whose name comes from Porphrius which comes from ... you guess it!
Some jpegs for you to download and play with! They're all 72 dpi. You can use them as starting points for your own art work. If you use them please link back to this site. PLEASE No commercial usage unless they are extensively modified or you're using them to raise money for charity.
The Chinese Character for the word Purple
A variant on Zi
The Purple Beast
Purple Flare
Purple Whirl