The Gallery is Open Again For Neith's Place

What's NEW!!! December 2008 Xmas Cards Web Banners and Other Freebies!

Here are links to files you can view and download and resize up or down to use for cards and crafts. Enjoy but remember Personal use only. You can only use the UNmodified images for profit if the profit goes to a genuine charity! If you do happen to modify them into something that sells please donate part of the profits to a charity! The cards are 1300 by 900 pixels and 200 dpi resolution except the Square Fractal.
Add the name of your site to this card and use this for PR
A Background without text
"Square Fractal" Use this fractal to start an artowkr or as a BG file!
Another Background without text.
A card with Text.

If you enjoyed these Free designs please check out my Primary Cafepress Shops

as I had NO grrr Xmas Sales yet!
Voxy Visions .
I have other shops
Shopping aAaRgH ,
Fine Fractals ,
Christmas is One Word

Wall art, calendars, posters, prints, cards, and Tshirts are also available from
Red Bubble

Stirling Web Banners

Changeverse Citizen
Visit the Emberverse
Visit the Changeverse

Will you Support this site?

Folks I need to raise money for my community college course fees for next year. Please support this site! Use Paypal and get friends and relatives to use my Galley or CP shops please!

New Fractal and Digital Art Creations

Another Free Image Coming Soon!

About Copyright and Conditions of Usage. You can modify edit print or display them for educational purposes or personal enjoyment. If you post a modified version please also copy the original and include a link back here? Copies can be sold for fund raising for a GENUINE charity ONLY and must include my url and contact details. Please let me know if you do this and we'll PR your charity. HOWEVER note that any copyright abusers will be added to a shame list and given negative PR!

Remember that Paypal link up above!
Like most artists I'm not highly paid but still have bills to pay!


More photos coming soon!