Real Egypt


This word in the speech of the Two Lands is another name for Real Egypt.

What's New

October 2006 Egyptian Sites now has internal anchor links and a change of file name - see below

Hi this is the Introduction to the Real Egypt section of my website. First of all, I feel I should state by training I am a classicist (M.A.) NOT an Egyptologist but then again (SG-1 joke! neither is Michael Shanks!) that hasnt stopped a lot of other people with even less and not at all relevant "qualifications" claiming to be experts! Previous visitors will note I've begun to re-arrange the sections.

General Reading List

Seshwt is the Egyptian word for books and writing. Beginning students might want to consult our General Reading List. We also have reading lists of books on the topics of Egyptian language and writing and an article on the Egyptian language and writing system including an illustration of their "ABC" with modern IPA symbols added. Alternative resources - have you visited Omniglot which has a wide variety of scripts including those of Ancient Egypt?

Netjerw Khetw

DIVINE THINGS - Netjerw Khetw - Egyptian Religion
Articles and essays on various dieties.
Learn about the Real RA or discover just How Many Horuses there were and their names.
Like to read A Note about Neith my "namesake" the goddess (not the Jaffa Amazon in SG1)? There's also an article on APOPHIS which has been rewritten and extended.
Djeser is our reading list on Egyptian Religion and Mythology

Egyptian Sites

EGYPTIAN SITES - SETENTAWY was revised in 2006.
Egyptian Sites Version 2 now has internal anchor links.

Use these links if you just want to visit Abydos, Cairo, Karnak, Luxor, Memphis, THEBES, and the West Bank


Egpytology Resources - A List of Useful Links
Here are some links to various Egyptology and Archaeology Resources on Other Websites
First the Serious Orthodox sites! Macquarie University suports the Australian Egyptology Site and here's one at Cambridge University yes ... that Cambridge Uni in the UK! This site has links to many other useful "serious" sites. The official Egyptian Government Site is Egypt Culture Net. While we're still in the area of links to serious sites - did you know Dr. Zahi Hawass - the Director of Antiquities on the Giza Plateau has his own site? Here's a link to Dr. Hawass' Home Page called THE PLATEAU


There are some areas that are unorthodox but still interesting. Whatever you think of his theories Graham Hancock's Site does include an excellent news page that links to various media coverage of recent archaeological discoveries and unlike some writers in the "parahistory" genre he at least uses footnotes and fairly accurate referencing in his book and takes field trips. Another unorthodox but beautifully designed site with some glorious graphics of the Egyptian gods is Kemet Org

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