An Original Story

By Rochelle

Please sign my guest book at the bottom of the page and let me know what you think of my story. Thank you!!

DISCLAIMER: This story is based on facts and rumors that occurred through out the years when Menudo was huge. Some of the things in the story are NOT true. The only facts that did happen are most of the events in Rachel's life and the comings and goings of Menudo Members. I never met Menudo but I do have a lot of memories of the members over the last twenty-three years. I am sorry if any part of this story offends anyone. Remember this is just a story that I wrote. It was just a dream gone wild, a dream that at times I still have. I also re-wrote it to make it read like a real story, rather than a play. I am sorry if this story offends anyone in anyway.

After All These Years is an original story that I wrote about a girl named Rachel Muller. In 1984 her dreams of meeting her favorite singer start she thinks she will never get the chance then she wins tickets to go to the concert. But when she wins backstage passes to see Menudo live at Madison Square Garden, her dreams started to come true. Over the years Rachel and her favorite Menudo, Ricky Martin, become very good friends and she realizes that maybe if she plays her cards right she could in fact have all of her dreams come true. Rachel has many adventures with Menudo through the years and in the end she knows she has everything that she has ever dreamed for or does she??????

Ricky July '84 (The smile that started it all for me)

Ricky in 85

Ricky in 86

Ricky in '87

Ricky in '88 (Sons of Rock, what a blast)

Ricky in '89 (In July he says Adios Menudo)

1984: Goodbye Ricky Melendez Hello Ricky Martin Revised
1985: When Our Eyes Met Revised
1986: Still Friends With Ricky Revised
1987: Traveling Revised
1988: Ricky's Last Summer Tour with the Group Revised
1989: Getting Closer Revised
1990: Seeing Each Other Revised
1991: It's Official!! Revised
1992: Graduation!!!!!!!!! Revised
1993: The Engagement?? Revised
1994: Ricky On General Hospital Revised
1995: The Long Awaited Confession REVISED
1996: Sergio and I Together Again REVISED
1997: The Big Day?? Revised
1998: The First Year! REVISED
1999 and Beyond Still in the works

RICKY: 1992-CURRENT I think I may have some of these mixed up. I'll fix them.

Ricky in '92

Ricky in '94

Ricky in '95

Ricky in '96 (while in Les Mis)

Ricky in '

Ricky in '

Ricky in '

Ricky 2007

Ricky during the Black and White Tour 2007

Also more pictures of Ricky in Menudo and now to come.
This Site Updated 4/18/07

Rochelle's Homepage

I don't remember where on the net I got these pictures from. However I would like to thank everyone who has pictures of Ricky on their web site.

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© NOTICE: This story is property of Rochelle. You are free to read it but PLEASE email me and ask to print the story for personal use. Also I am looking for someone to translate the story into other languages, I speak Spanish, but don't remember enough to translate it perfectly, Email me and let me know. Thank you.

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