Last update: 5/23/03
-Brenna Fey
I'm also the Editor of the ARA NEWS, the Official Newsletter of the Temple of Ara. I am an initiate of the Temple, which is based in NYC but is currently expanding. ARA NEWS comes out quarterly and contains interesting articles, essays, rituals, poetry, and more. Plus, subscribing will automatically put you on our e-list for announcements of Temple of Ara events across the globe.
WITCH World Mistress
What is Witchcraft? It is nothing more than the practice of assuming responsibility for this wondrous gift of life, of Spirit. What is most important isn't what happens to you, but rather how you respond to that challenge.
Consider that one element of life is predetermined by genetic and environmental factors. Another calls upon the power of the will. The remaining is subject to luck or chance. It is not only our privilege, but our responsibility to exercise and strengthen that power of will as the one element of life we are given control over.
Witches know that, by magickal means, courage can be summoned in the darkest hour, hope sustained when all seems lost, and good luck caught as it flies across the web of time. The source of magick is within us all and our relation to the universe itself. The key is an extended awareness of the kinship we share with all Life.
Witchcraft is more than a religion or a set of philosophies, it is a way of life, a way of existing.
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