
Join This Yurr Gurt Dwellin'

As you know, oi gets moighty lonely wi'out company. Oi'll bet you do too. You'm don't 'ave to be lonely no more, no zurr, just join this yurr gurt dwellin'. Jus' fill out the form below an' press "submit". You'm'll probly get e-mail from me tellin' you that you've been accepted into moi club. If the "submit" button don't work, e-mail me here.

  1. What do you want your member name to be?
  2. What species are you? (Oi won't be acceptin' no vermin)
  3. What weapons do you use?
  4. When is the best time for you to come to a meeting?
  5. Do you speak fluent mole speech? (if'n not oi'll learn you)
  6. How many Redwall books have you read? (Now it don't matter how many, oi'm jus' curious)
  7. What are your skills?
  8. Your homepage URL:
  9. Title of your homepage: