" Fooled thou art going to be, 'tho wisest of the wise, then be the fool of virtue, not vice. "

browse.....and enjoy!

"May those who read and enjoy philosophy, not be discouraged
by the muddiness of the water, but to follow it up the stream of Truth,
until you find the clear water, and having tasted, and been encouraged
by the taste of the clear water, to follow the brook to it's source."


This page is being constantly updated: last updated on Oct 19th. 2001.

Honor the Truth above all things,
For whatsoever you honor above all things,
That which you so honor,
Will have dominion over you.

of POD

Profanity.....the attempt of a feeble mind.....trying to express itself forcibly!

E-mail gwain@wightman.net