Voice Of The Valley
...offering Biblical materials for your education and edification
Who Are We?
Voice Of The Valley began in 1995, as solely a printed publication being edited by Terry Sanders and Rick Christian. After Terry moved from Parkersburg, WV, Brian Price began working as co-editor with Rick Christian beginning with Volume 2, that was published in 1996. The publication has been edited by Rick and myself since that time. We continue to publish the printed version of the publication 4 times a year. We are on Volume 5 at present. The publication, in it's printed version, is distributed among Christians in the Ohio River Valley of West Virginia and Ohio. It is not a subscription paper so we rely upon individuals throughout the area to deliver each issue. The paper is funded by the generosity of individuals and it receives no funds from any church. It is solely the work of individuals who love to share the message of God's Word. Because the paper, in it's printed form, is distributed only in our local area, it has been our effort to deal with specific issues that the church is facing here in the Ohio Valley. We also primarily use writers who are either living in the area or have connections with the area so as to keep the familiarity of the paper local. That is not to say that men from out of the area don't produce good material, but because the paper is distributed locally, it has been our effort to use local men as our main source of material.

Some time ago, it was brought to our attention that there are many who do not live in our area who would enjoy reading the articles that are published. Because we do not have a subscription system, this made it difficult to accomodate these folks. That is when we decided to bring this website into existence. It provides a way for people who do not have access to the printed publication, to read the articles that have been printed. It also provides an archive for reading back issues. We hope you find the sight beneficial, and if there are any questions or comments, please feel free to contact us at voice.valley@gtemail.net