Christ At The Core

Voice Of The Valley
Volume 2 Issue 2 April 1996
Christ At The Core
by Scott Thornhill
Do you remember when you first became a Christian? Do you remember the first time you broke bread with other saints and the closeness you felt to them and to the Lord? Do you remember the first time you talked to another person about the gospel? Do you remember the zeal and enthusiasm?

Some may still have this zeal and energy for the Lord, but sadly through time for some, our fire does begin to flicker. It would sober us to look back at our local church directories that were made five or ten years ago, because we would probably see names and faces of those who just fell away from the Lord. Our concern should be of the names and faces currently found in local directories, who will be missing a year or five years or ten years from now. We are all vulnerable to apathy, indifference, and a settling down attitude. The dangerous thing is we can deceive ourselves spiritually. We say, "as long as I am staying busy for Jesus, as long as I am teaching a Bible Study, as long as I am attending every service of the church, this is enough." Therefore, we become so immersed with the system of "playing church" that we lose sight of the Savior.

In Revelation 2:1-7, the church at Ephesus had this problem. First, notice how good they looked to an outside observer (v.2,3). Jesus knew the works of the church. It was an impressive list of hard work, patience, and service to others. They were also sound in doctrine. They tested the false teachers that Paul had warned them about (Acts 20:28-31). They held the teachings of Christ as the final and absolute authority. Jesus goes on to say that this church was persevering. They were "sticking with it." Furthermore, the church at Ephesus hated sin and not the sinner (v.6). We must conclude that the church at Ephesus was a remarkable group. They would no doubt be included in the "approved" list of churches today. But, they were not pleasing to Jesus Christ. Something was missing. They had left their first love (v.4).

Christ's response to this church showed that there is a difference between what you do and why you do it. He was not just concerned with their works but He was and is concerned with their hearts and motives. Jesus demands a service that is deeper than a habit or a ritual. What we do must come from a personal love and devotion to Christ, a love that is demanding and costly. Some today are focused on "playing church" and thus lose sight of the Savior. We sing, pray, preach, and teach, and it may look good, but for some Christians, it has become a ritual without relationship! There is a lot of outer smoke but no inner fire. Jesus wants us to work because of a love for him.

This text is a warning to local churches today. A warning that demands all Christians (young and old) to ask some stirring questions. Why am I a Christian? Why do I worship the way I worship? Do I do the things I do because of a genuine commitment to Christ or is it because this is all I have known? Be aware of the fact that the church at Ephesus was a second and third generation church at this time; therefore, this problem becomes even more dangerous. Those of us who are second and third generation Christians have had certain doctrines and opinions ingrained into us. I am glad I had godly parents to teach me about the
Lord, but I am also dangerously aware that I can easily fall prey to serving God by habit and not by heart. I believe some have accepted a "hand-me-down" religion from their parents, and that type of commitment will fall short.

I encourage you to read Christ's exhortation in verse 5. First, He says "remember." Remember the zeal, passion, and the fire that once burned. Second, He says "repent." Get out of this dead ritualistic service of habit and get back to your first love. Local churches today must have Christ as the "center attraction" or, like Ephesus, the candlestick will be removed. And individual Christians should put Christ back in the center of our lives, push back the busy schedules of the day, and spend some time on building a relationship with Jesus. As we press toward that heavenly goal, let us still be burning with passion and love for our savior, Jesus Christ.