Volume 4 Issue 1

What Is Your Life by Steve Fouty

This is a question that each and every individual should ask themselves. If you are a "religious" person or not, please think about this question for a few moments in connection with the following points.

After this life each and every one of us will bow before the Lord and give an account of our lives (Romans 14:11-12). This means that our lives we are living right now will determine our destiny once we cease to enjoy them on earth, and the word's of Christ, or the Bible will be the standard of comparison for our actions (John 12:48). If you find in your life things that are contrary to the Bible or know that you have left Christ out of your life, then you can be assured that judgement will hold nothing but sorrow and damnation for an eternity (2 Thess 1:8-10; James 4:17).

In James 4:13-17 we learn that when we look so far ahead in our plans that we forget God we are placing far too little value upon our souls. We all at times get so engrossed in our personal pursuits that we forget that God has created us for his purposes and expects us to obey him (Luke 2:49; Matthew 28:19-20). The wise man Solomon said long ago, "For the whole duty of man is to fear God and keep his commandments." (Eccl 12:13) When we plan ahead to the point that our calendar is too full for the Lord, it is time to rethink our plans. We are not guaranteed life tomorrow and with this in mind should be constantly prepared to meet the Lord (James 4:14; 2 Peter 3:9-12).

Our life is also too important to put in the hands of men. The Bible is a divinely established book and needs no additions and supplements created by any man (2 Timothy 3:16; 2 Peter 1:21). It seems that most people are very diligent in finding the origin of physical things like their family roots or antiques, but when it comes to religious matters they are happy to accept just about any idea they might hear. In Philippians 2:12-13, we are told to "Work out our own salvation with fear and trembling, for it is God which worketh in you both to will and do his good pleasure." Each of us will have to answer for the acceptance or denial of God's salvation. If we blindly follow after some man or doctrine not found in the scriptures we fail in our responsibility.

Lastly, this life that we live now is the gateway to eternity. Hebrews 9:27 teaches that it is appointed unto man once to die and then the judgement. This passage clearly shows that physical death, which we all understand is the prerequisite to judgement of our spiritual bodies where we will answer for our lives that we have lived. If you are neglecting your responsibility toward your soul please think seriously about these words. Your soul is your most valuable possession and this life you live now will determine whether your soul will spend eternity with God in Heaven or withSatan in Hell (Matthew 16:24-27)