Can We Still Blush

This question may seem very forward in nature. It is one however that any one who claims to follow Christ and his teachings should seriously consider. As God dealt with the Israelites throughout the Old Testament they would falter in their following and often go astray. In Jeremiah 6 a promise of destruction is meeted out upon the rebellious nation because of the very title of this article, they had forgotten how to blush !

Jeremiah 6:15 "Were they ashamed when they had committed abomination? nay, they were not at all ashamed, neither could they blush: therefore they shall fall among them that fall: at the time that I shall visit them they shall be cast down."

Blushing is defined as a reddening of the skin caused by shame, confusion, or embarrassment. Of the several situations that will cause one to blush there is always the element of a surprise or change from the normal unfolding of events. In the book of Jeremiah we see that God's laws and statutes were ignored and the people chose their own way to follow. This, according to the Lord, should have caused embarrassment and shame, but instead brought God's wrath upon the people.

If we look at the world today we certainly see a nation who has forgotten how to blush. We say drinking is fine and even advertise it when the Bible condemns it as a work of the flesh. ( Gal 5:19-22 ; Lk 21:34-36 ) We glorify and use harmful substances like tobacco and drugs when God calls our bodies his spirits temple. ( 1 Cor 3:16-17 ) Filthy movies and television programs are viewed and millions of dollars spent to perpetuate the making of such videos when Christ has warned us about sexual immorality and the sin in watching such. ( 1 Cor 6:18-20 ; Rom 1:28-32 ) The sin of homosexuality is tolerated and even given the term "alternate lifestyle" when God has condemned these individuals for their perversion. ( Gen 19:1-7 ; Rom 1:25-27 ) God's pattern for the Church that Christ promised to built in Mt 16:18 has been changed and perverted to fit man's desires, until the New Testament Church looks nothing like the one we find established in the book of Acts on the day of Pentecost. ( Acts 2:37-47 )
These are just a few examples of how man has sugar coated sin to justify his actions.

Why should we blush at sin ? First, sin is a transgression of God's word which is the Bible ( 1 Jn 3:4 ) Second, The wages of sin is death. ( Rom 6:23 ) God will punish those who do not heed his word with everlasting fire. ( 2 Thess 1:7-9 ) Lastly, God loves the individual who eschews or hates sin, but is against those who do evil. ( 1 Pet 3:11-13 ) If we hope to ever escape hell we had better start blushing when sin is committed.

Steve Fouty

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