Can A Christian Go To The Movies?

This is not a new problem for Christians to grapple with in our time. Ever since there has been a movie to go see, there have been Christian parents who have been concerned about what their children might see that will influence their children's behavior. In the past as now, our children want to see this movie or that movie. Their friends are going to see it: "So, why can't I go?" And it has been said a billion times: "Just because everyone is going to that movie, doesn't mean that it is all right for Christians to go." Aside from our children seeing movies, the question is: CAN ANY CHRISTIAN GO?

There was a time after the institution of the rating system for movies that a parent could rely on the rating to give a very good idea of the content of the movie. "G" movies were for General audiences, including small children, and that meant that there was no "street language" or brief nudity, or excessive violence to concern a person. Outside of Disney movies, there were only a few other companies making "G" movies, but at one time there were a substantial number being offered to the public. That has changed. Check your newspaper and see how many "G" movies are being offered now.

Along with the "G" movies, the rating system offered the "PG" movie, which meant Parental Guidance. These offerings usually contained some mild street language, and violent content according to the plot of the story being told. The "PG" rating over the years has reflected great liberties that have been taken with language content, and the exhibition of violence, as well as offering partial nudity which has been increasing over the years.

Then there was the "R" rating, meaning Restricted to those 17 and under. This rating dominates the biggest majority of movies being offered. Those movies did, in the past, contain a lot of "street language" and violence and sexual content. Now if what I'm reading about the ratings is true, and I have no reason to doubt, the "R" movies are hitting an all-time low in moral deterioration. These movies were never acceptable to Christians, even when the rating system was first established, and the ratings were being more closely censored.

From this point the "X", "XX", "XXX" (dirty, dirtier, dirtiest) ratings were offered. These decadent offerings completely tore down the last vestiges of decency, and moral restraint in movie making. There was apparently no censorship applied to these movies at all. It doesn't take a great imagination to guess what was offered for your "viewing pleasure" in these products of the godless minds that were producing them.

The latest rating that has been put into effect is the "NC-17" rating which from what I can deduct is in the "X" category. Hollywood can cry out against censorship and the infringement on the right of free speech and expression as much as they want to, but their end products cry out for the reinstatement of strong censorship on the entertainment industry, because the "sleaze makers" of that industry have proven without doubt that they are not responsible citizens of our nation. Free speech, and the right of free expression do not give license to the violation of moral and ethical values.

I have noticed lately that there are movies being offered on some cable TV channels that are "NR". From what I can find out, it means that these movies are uncensored and are offered as such. It seems that the movie rating system is a purely voluntary thing, and therefore some movie makers apparently are not offering their products to the rating board for review; so now we have "NR." {Editors Note: The "NR" or "Not-Rated" symbol is used as the article describes. It may also be used to indicate a movie that was made before the rating system was put into place. BKP}

There is a crisis facing the 20th century parent, and Hollywood is adding as much fuel to the fires of decay that it can. Can a Christian go to the movies? Ask yourselves these questions. DOES IT VIOLATE MY CONSCIENCE? HOW WILL IT INFLUENCE SOMEONE WHO KNOWS THAT CHRISTIANS HAVE GONE TO ONE OF THESE MOVIES? WOULD JESUS DO THIS? There are a few movies that are acceptable (they are rare), but be careful that the one you go to see doesn't make a hypocrite of you, and become the first step in the broad way to destruction. (Matthew. 7:13-14).

Niles Hissom