Editorial: The Need For This Issue

This issue of Voice of the Valley is dedicated to discussing some dangers that are facing the church. It by no means is an exhaustive list but we feel that it covers several of the challenges that the church must face. Sadly these problems are not new. They have plagued the church from it's beginning and still threaten the Lord's body. The specifics may have changed a little but the basic problems remain.

Some may question our reasoning behind dealing with subject matters that have been dealt with, time and time again. First of all we need to recognize that these are all Bible subjects and therefore are worth of examination. Secondly we note the fact that the problems still exist. When it comes to a preaching and teaching of God's Word we cannot quit after one attempt. We used the title "Dangers Facing The Church" for a reason. These problems are dangerous! Souls are at stake. The purity of the church is at risk and each of us have an obligation to work at maintaining the church as God would have it. More specifically, we each have an obligation to thwart these problems at our own congregations. The spiritual lives of our friends and family are at risk. We show great concern for the physical well being of our brothers and sisters in Christ. We must take even greater care for the spiritual sickness that has been the blight of many local congregations.

Others may say that many publications have devoted themselves to many of the same issues with little to no results. That may be true. Yet we are convinced that if we can persuade one person out of the grip of these challenges. Lead one person to repentance. Give one person the courage to face the problems with a new fervor. Help one person avoid the pitfall of these dangers. We will consider this venture a success. If nothing else, we will consider it a success because it is our hope that God's Word will have been taught. His standard will have been upheld and that he will be pleased with our attempt to share the truths of the Scriptures on these subjects.

It is our hope and prayer that you will find this issue of great benefit in your study of God's Word. We pray that you will study these issues with an open Bible and an open heart. Brethren and friend these problems have lead to the destruction of many. Many have been lead away and lost over these matters. It is our sincere hope and prayer that you will study God's Word carefully and heed the warnings it offers concerning these matters.

Brian K. Price

January, 1997 Volume 3 Issue 1 Index

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