Voice Of The Valley
Volume 5 Issue 3 July 1999
It's Time To Stand Up And Be Counted
by Brian Price
The book of Jude in chapter 1 and verse 3, clearly admonishes us to “...earnestly
contend for the faith which was once delivered unto the saints.” It is an admonition that the
editors and writers of “Voice of the Valley” take very seriously. There is no question that
the Gospel was intended to be preached with great conviction and boldness. Peter and John
preached with boldness to the Jews in Acts 4. The prayer of Acts 4:29, was that in the
midst of threats and challenges, that the servants of God be given boldness to continue to
speak. Paul told the Thessalonians that his bold preaching was met with “contention” (1
Thessalonians 2:2) but it did not negate or stop that boldness of speech.

In the religious culture of our day, the same contentions over the truth of the Gospel
persist. I fear though that what has changed is the zeal of the servants of God to boldly
challenge false doctrines, and to be diligent seekers of truth. Note the aggressive approach
towards learning the truth that the Bereans demonstrated (Acts 17:11). On a daily basis
they examined what they had been taught, to determine whether it was true. Over the last
30 - 40 years, we’ve taken a more passive approach towards examination of truth and error.
The cry of tolerance has permeated the ears of God’s people to the point that we have
extended tolerance to that which God does not tolerate. Jesus taught his disciples that God
would be more tolerant towards Sodom and Gomorrha than he would be to a people who
reject the Gospel (Matthew 10:14-15). We all know how “tolerant” he was of those
wicked cities. We have allowed ourselves to be convinced that love means tolerance
towards all things. Jesus taught that true love is demonstrated by being obedient to his
commands (John 14:15). How then can I love my neighbor, family member, co-worker,
classmate, etc..., if I refuse to share with them the truth of those commands. It is time that
we stand up, and be willing to have God’s Word be taught with the same conviction and
boldness that it was intended to be preached with. Seekers of truth are not afraid to have
their convictions put to the test of the Scriptures. The man who is willing to look into the
“perfect law of liberty” and do the things that it commands, finds the favor of Jehovah
(James 1:25).

One means by which we can do better at preaching the Word with boldness, is to hold
up the hands of those who do. Too often the most bold and Scripture filled preaching is
negated by those who feel they must apologize for the challenge that it brings to the listener.
The fact remains that much of the preaching that Jesus and his apostles did, offended the
listeners. On one occasion the group was filled with “madness” and discussed how they
might get rid of Jesus (Luke 6:11). On yet another occasion many followers left because
of the hard teachings that Jesus brought (John 6:60). The point being, if truth offends, so
be it!! We cannot jeopardize truth in a misguided attempt to avoid offending someone with
it. Again, those who are truth seekers are not offended by truth. To the contrary, they
embrace it, and should be offended if you hid the truth from them. One who is honestly
seeking after the truth on any religious question, is prepared to receive that answer as God’s
Word dictates. God never expects us to apologize for truth, nor does he expect us to
apologize for the one who boldly presents that truth. Are there abuses? Sure!! If a man
determines to offend and ridicule another for only that purpose, he most certainly would be
in the wrong. However, let us not confuse the man who purposely offends, and the one
who proclaims the truth with boldness, from which offence is taken.

Brethren, it is time for us to take a stand. It is time for us to quit compromising the
boldness of the Gospel. Will you and I do our part to see that the Gospel is presented in
it’s truth and in it’s entirety? Let us hold up the hands of the faithful, and let us begin with
a new fervor to proclaim the wonderful riches of the Gospel of Jesus Christ.