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What Sort Of 'Thoughts'?

The aim of this website is to bring together, even if only for a short time, the thoughts, prayers and meditations of all individuals regardless of religion, faith or spiritual belief.

We believe that religious or spiritual boundaries or belief systems need not affect our ability to come together worldwide and to cause positive global change.

We hope that you agree.

Our positive thoughts may be during a few short minutes at the office, at home, with friends or in prayer, meditation or contemplation.

If you have the intention to join the many others worldwide in affecting positive global changes at 3:33am and/or 3:33pm on 03:03:03, then you have succeeded. We will have at least tried to change this world for the better.

No-one has ever 'tested' global thought. We believe it is possible that concentrated thought can play a major role in facilitating positive changes across the earth.

Most of us have some idea of the way the world could be - the end of war, hatred and aggression, easily come to mind.

If we think about spreading love, peace and harmony to all areas of the world, we are actively seeking to change the state of the world today utilising our thoughts, humanity and energy for the benefit of all people everywhere..

Concentrating in large numbers upon the more positive aspects of our collective future can only help, as our mental energy, prayers and wishes are focused for the betterment of our planet and all of our lives.

Thought is a powerful ability that we tend to underestimate.

In a world of disharmony, we at believe that our collective thoughts, hopes and prayers can cause beneficial changes to occur. The world can change and we can make it happen together!

We are capable of making changes on some levels that will benefit the whole planet.


Because our thoughts are living, on one level or another - they are not merely the result of chemical and electrical activity in our physical brains. Our thoughts can, and do, affect the world around us every day - all we ask is that our thoughts are focused together on 03/03/03 at 3.33am and/or 3.33pm, for all our sakes.

Is it such a ludicrous idea to suggest that if many thousands of people across the world think, pray, meditate or 'tune in' at the same time, that positive global changes can take place?

At, we believe it IS possible for us to focus and combine our thoughts, will and intentions to affect global changes that benefit us all.

We all see news and hear of tragic and truly catastrophic global events taking place on an almost daily basis, and as we watch or listen to the news, our hearts are often filled with compassion for the many who suffer.

Yet our thoughts at those times are also often negative. Fear, anger, aggression.

At we believe that if we modify our thought habits for a short time and consciously direct our more positive thoughts and energies simultaneously, positive changes will occur on a global scale.

Whether our thoughts are directed only for a few minutes, or for some time, is not critical to the success of this global campaign.

We ask only that you join with us at 3:33am and/or 3:33pm on 03/03/03 to send positive, peaceful thoughts towards the global situation generally.

We believe that thought, prayer and meditation (call it what you will) has the ability to change global situations for the better, regardless of our age, gender, race, religious beliefs or cultural background.

Science doesn't seem to be able to explain what 'thought' is, where it comes from, or is created or where it 'goes', it merely explains what effects can be measured in the brain in numerous chemical and electrical interactions.

Are thoughts merely passing ideas in unfocused moments that mean nothing and do nothing other than order our daily lives?

We don't believe that to be the case.

We may feel that we are helpless, hopeless and powerless to contribute anything towards world peace- we may feel that our individual thoughts can't affect any changes.

We firmly believe that we can ALL help - just by thinking for a few minutes whilst others across the planet do exactly the same thing.

We believe that We have the power to collectively affect a change for the better, and the more people that join us the greater that change will be.

Free discussion forums for anyone to join.

To join our online forums and discuss relevant issues or hear the latest additions to the growing groups taking part worldwide, it is necessary to use an e-mail address. Please be assured that we will never rent, share or otherwise disclose your e-mail address to anyone at any time. You can read our Privacy Policy Here...

Subscription to the moderated e-mail list/s is easy, free and can be successfully completed in minutes.

Our e-mail lists enable people from all countries, cultures and religions to join freely in sharing their thoughts, and concerns and to discuss any relevant issues.

We hope that you find this open forum a useful place to share opinions and ideas.

You can see, and join, the 3March2003 e-mail list homepage by clicking ~Here~

You can see, and join, the GlobalThought e-mail list homepage by clicking ~Here~

The Moderators are happy to help with any subscription problems and they can be contacted by sending an e-mail ~Here~


Imagine For One Minute…

Imagine For Three Minutes More ... Please

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Online Since 3 January 2003