This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Tabitha - a gazelle
Tamar - date palm
Tamara - Russian form of Tamar
Tamsin - form of Thomasina
Tara - rock assembly
Tatiana - Roman family name
Ted - form of Edward
Terence - Roman family name
Teresa - Italian form of Theresa
Terry - form of Terasa or Terence
Thaddeus - gift of God
Thelma - wish
Theo - form of Theobald, Theodore
Theodora - female form of Theodore
Theodore - gift of God
Theresa - carrying ears of corn
Theron - a hero
Thierry - Frech form of Theodore
Thomas - a twin
Thor - thunder
Tiffany - the manifestation of God
Tim - form of Timothy
Tina - form of Christina
Tobias - distinguished of the Lord
Toby - form of Tobias
Todd - fox
Tom - form of Thomas
Toni - form of Annette
Tony - form of Anthony
Tracey - form of Tracy
Tracy - Thracian
Travers - crossroads
Travis - form of Travers
Trent - liable to flood
Trevor - big river
Tricia - form of Patricia
Trisha - form of Patricia
Tristram - tumult
Troy - of Troyes
Trudy - form of Gertrude
Tudor - Welsh form of Theodore
Ty - form of Tyrone, Tyson
Tyrone - land of Owen
Tyson - firebrand



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