This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Sabina - Sabine woman
Sadie - form of Sara
Sally - form of Sara
Salvador - Christ the saviour
Sam - form of Samuel
Samantha - listener
Samson - splendid sun
Samuel - heard by God
Sandra - form of Alexandra
Santo - saint
Sara - princess
Sarah - form of Sara
Scarlett - variation of the word
Scott - Scotland
Seamus - form of James
Sean - form of John
Sebastian - man of Sebasta in Asia Minor
Selina - parsley
Selma - form of Anselm
Serena - calm
Seth - appointed
Shane - form of Sean
Shannon - name of Irish river
Sharon - biblical place name
Shaun - form of Sean
Shelley - clearing on a bank
Sherlock - fair-haired
Sheryl - form of Cheryl
Shirley - thin clearing
Sidney - wide island
Siegfried - victory and peace
Siegmund - German form of Sigmund
Sigmund - conquering protection
Sigrid - fair and victorious
Silvia - of the woods
Simon - hearing with acceptance
Sinead - Irish form of Janet
Solomon - peaceable
Sophia - wisdom
Sophie - form of Sophia
Stacey - form of Eustace or Anastasia
Stanford - stone ford
Stanley - stony field
Stanton - stony farmstead
Stefan - German form of Stephen
Stephano - Italian form of Stephen
Stella - star
Stephen - a crown or garland
Sterling - little star
Stewart - form of Stuart
Stuart - steward
Susan - English form of Susanna
Susanne - a lily
Suzanna - form of Susanna
Sven - lad
Sybyl - prophetess
Sydney - form of Sidney
Sylvester - form of Silvester
Sylvia - form of Silvia



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