This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Rachel - a ewe
Rachelle - form of Rachel
Ralph - famous wolf or hero
Randolf - shield-wolf
Randy - form of Randolf
Raphael - healing of God
Raquel - Spanish form of Rachel
Ray - form of Raymond
Raymond - wise protection
Read - red-headed
Rebecca - a cow
Redmond - Irish form of Raymond
Reed - form of Read
Regan - little king
Regina - queen
Reginald - strong ruler
Renata - form of Renee
Renee - born again
Rex - king
Ria - form of Maria
Ricardo - Italian form of Richard
Richard - strong king
Richmond - strong hill
Ridley - cleared meadow
Ripley - strip-shaped clearing
Rita - form of Margarita
Ritchie - form of Richard
Roald - famous ruler
Robert - bright in fame
Roberta - female form of Robert
Robin - form of Robert
Robyn - female form of Robin
Rochelle - little rock
Rod - form of Rodney
Roderick - rich in fame
Rodger - variant form of Roger
Rodney - placename
Rodrigo - Italian form of Roderick
Roger - famous with the spear
Rohan - healing
Roland - fame of the land
Rolf - form of Rudolf
Rolph - form of Ralph
Romeo - a Roman
Ron - form of Ronald
Ronald - form of Reginald
Ronan - little seal
Rory - red
Rosalind - beautiful as a rose
Rosanne - mix of Rose and Anne
Rose - the name of the flower
Roslin - unploughable land by the pool
Ross - moorland
Rowan - red
Rowena - fame and joy
Roxanne - dawn of day
Roy - red
Ruby - name of the red gemstone
Rudolf - famous wolf
Rufus - red
Rupert - form of Robert
Ruprecht - form of Robert
Russell - red face or hair
Rutger - Dutch form of Roger
Ruth - beauty
Ryan - Irish surname



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