This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Pablo - Spanish form of Paul
Paddy - form of Patrick
Pamela - Greek word for honey
Pandora - gifted
Patricia - female form of Patrick
Patrick - noble
Paul - little
Paula - female form of Paul
Paulette - form of Paula
Pedro - Spanish form of Peter
Peg - form of Margaret
Penny - form of Penelope
Penelope - duck
Pepe - form of Jose
Per - Scandinavian form of Peter
Perry - Pear tree
Persephone - Greek goddess
Peter - a rock
Petra - female form of Peter
Phebe - form of Phoebe
Phedra - bright
Phil - form of Philip
Philip - lover of horses
Philippa - female form of Philip
Phoebe - pure
Phyllis - green bough
Pierre - French form of Peter
Piers - form of Peter
Pieter - Dutch form of Peter
Pippa - form of Philippa
Polly - form of Mary
Priscilla - ancient
Prudence - caution
Prunella - plum



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