This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Nadezhda - hope
Nadia - English version of Nadezhda
Nadine - form of Nadia
Nancy - form of Ann
Naomi - pleasantness
Napoleon - lion of the forest dell
Nat - form of Nathan
Natalie - French form of Natalya
Natalya - Christmas
Natasha - form of Natalya
Nathan - a gift
Nathaniel - the gift of God
Neal - form of Neil
Ned - form of Edgar, Edmund, Edward etc
Neil - champion
Nell - form of Elenor, Ellen, Helen
Nero - dark
Nessie - form of Agnes
Nicholas - victory for the people
Nicole - female form of Nicholas
Nick - form of Nicholas
Nigel - form of Neil
Nikki - form of Nicole
Nina - form of Nancy
Noah - rest, comfort
Noel - born on Christmas day
Nola - famous
Nora - form of Elenor
Noreen - Irish form of Nora
Norma - a rule
Norman - a northman; a native of Normandy



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