This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Madeleine - of Magdala
Madge - form of Margaret
Magda - German and Scandinavian form of Magdalene
Maggie - form of Margaret
Magnus - great
Malcom - servant of Columba
Mallory - unfortunate, luckless
Mandy - form of Amanda
Manfred - man of peace
Manuel - Spanish form of Emmanuel
Marc - French form of Mark
Marco - Italian form of Mark
Margaret - pearl
Marianne - French and German form of Marion
Marie - French form of Mary
Marilyn - form of Mary
Marina - sea
Marion - form of Mary
Marisa - summit
Mark - hammer; sprung from Mars
Marlene - form of Maria
Martha - ruler of house
Martin - of Mars; warlike
Marvin - form of Mervin
Mary - bitter; star of the sea
Matilda - mighty battle maid
Matthias - Greek form of Matthew
Matthew - gift of Jehovah
Maud - form of Matilda
Maureen - Irish form of Mary
Mavis - song of the thrush
Max - form of Maximillian of Maxwell
Maximillian - the greatest
Maxine - female form of Max
May - form of Mary
Maynard - strong, brave
Meg - form of Margaret
Megan - Welsh form of Meg
Melanie - black|
Melinda - honey
Melissa - a bee
Melody - tune
Melville or Melvin - Amalo's place
Meredith - lord
Merle - blackbird
Merlin - sea fort
Mervin - famous friend
Michael - who is like God
Michaela - female form of Michael
Mildred - mild speaker
Miles - a soldier
Milo - form of Miles
Miranda - admirable
Moira - anglicized Irish form of Mary
Molly - form of Mary
Monica - advising
Monique - form of Monica
Montgomery - hill of powerful man
Monty - form of Montgomery
Morgan - of the sea
Morganna - female form of Morgan
Mortimer - dead sea
Muriel - sea bright
Murray - seaboard place
Myrtle - name of the shrub



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