This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Lachlan - from the land of the lakes
Laird - Lord
Lana - form of Alana
Lance - form of Lancelot
Lane - narrow road
Lang - long
Lara - form of Larissa
Larissa - happy as a lark
Larry - form of Laurence
Lars - Scandinavian form of Laurence
Larsen - son of Lars
Laura - laurel
Laurel - name of the tree
Laurence - place of laurels
Laurie - form of Laurence
Laverne - the alder tree
Lawrence - form of Laurence
Lawrie - form of Lawrence
Lazarus - destitute of help
Lea - form of Leah
Leane - form of Leanne
Leanne - combination of Lee and Anne
Lee - field or meadow
Leif - beloved one
Leigh - form of Lee
Leila - night, dark
Lela - form of Leila
Len - form of Leonard
Lennard - form of Leonard
Leo - form of Leon
Leonard - strong or brave as a lion
Leonardo - Italian form of Leonard
Leopold - bold for the people
Leroy - the king
Leslie - garden by water
Lester - Roman site
Lewis - bold warrior
Lex - form of Alexander
Liam - Irish form of William
Libby - form of Elizabeth
Lila - form of Delilah
Lilith - of the night
Lincoln - place by the pool
Linda - form of Belinda
Lindall - valley of lime trees
Lindsay - island of Lincoln
Lindford - from the ford of the lime tree
Lionel - young lion
Lis - form of Elizabeth
Lisa - form of Elizabeth
Lissa - form of Larissa
Lister - dyer
Llewelyn - leader or ruler
Lloyd - grey
Logan - little hollow
Lois - good, desirable
Lola - form of Dolores
Lora - Welsh form of Laura
Lorraine - from Lorraine
Lou - form of Louis or Louise
Louis - French form of Lewis
Louise - female French form of Louisa
Luc - form of Luke
Lucia - female form of Lucian
Lucian - belonging or sprung from Lucius
Lucius - born at break of day
Lucas - form of Luke
Lucifer - light bringer
Lucy - form of Lucia
Ludvig - Swedish form of Lewis
Luigi - Italian form of Lewis
Luke - of Luciania
Luther - illustrious warrior
Lydia - native of Lydia in Asia Minor
Lynda - form of Linda
Lynn - form of Lynda



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