This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Jack - form of John
Jacob - supplanter
Jaqueline - form of Jacob
Jade - name of the stone
Jake - form of Jacob
Jamal - beauty
James - christian form of Jacob
Jan - female form of John
Jane - female form of John
Janet - form of Jane
Janice - form of Jane
Jasmine - name of the flower
Jason - healer
Jasper - treasure master
Jay - name of the bird
Jean - female French form of John
Jennifer - Cornish form of Guinevere
Jenny - form of Jennifer
Jeremy, Jeremiah - exalted of the Lord
Jerry - form of Gerald
Jessica - God is looking
Jethro - superiority
Jill - form of Gillian
Jillian - female form of Julian
Jim - form of James
Jo - form of anything with "Jo" in eg Joseph, Joanna
Joan - female form of John
Jodie - form of Judith
Joe - form of Joseph
Joel - Lord is God
Johann - German form of John
Johanna - form of Jane
John - gracious gift of God
Jonathan - gift of Jehovah
Joseph - God shall add
Josephine - female form of Joseph
Joshua - God of salvation
Joyce - sportive
Judith - praised
Judy - form of Judith
Jules - French form of Julius
Julia - form of Julius
Julian - belonging to Julius
Julie - form of Julia
Juliet - form of Julia
Julius - soft-haired
Justin - English form of Justinus (a Roman family name)
Justus - fair, just



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