This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Haddan - heathery hill
Hadrian - form of Adrian
Hagar - flight
Halbert - brilliant hero
Hamilton - farm in broken country
Hamish - form of James
Hamlet - little home
Hamon - great protection
Hank - form of Henry
Hannah - grace
Hannibal - grace of Baal (Punic)
Hans - form of Johann
Hansel - gift from God
Harley - from the hare meadow or hill
Harold - a champion
Harris - son of Harold
Harry - form of Henry
Harvey - battle worthy
Hayden - heather hill
Hazel - name of tree
Heath - heathland
Heathcliff - dweller by the heather cliff
Hector - holding fast
Heidi - form of Adelheid
Heinrich - German form of Henry
Helen - light
Helga - healthy, happy, holy
Henrietta - female form of Henry
Henry - head or chief of house
Herbert - glory of the army
Herman - warrior
Hieronymous - form of Jerome
Hilary - cheerful
Hilda - battle maid
Holly - name of tree
Homer - hostage
Hope - hope
Horace - family name Horatius
Howard - high warden
Hubert - bright in spirit
Hudson - son of little Hugh
Hugh - mind, spirit, soul
Hugo - form of Hugh
Humphrey - protector of the home



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