This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Gabriel - strength of God
Gaia - earth
Gail - form of Abigail
Gale - form of Gail
Gareth - old man
Garfield - triangular piece of open land
Garret - form of Gerard
Garrison - son of Garret
Garth - garden or paddock
Gary - spear carrier
Gavin - anglicized form of Gawain
Gawain - white hawk
Gay - joyous
Gaylord - brisk noble man
Genevieve - tribe woman
Geoffrey - form of Jeffrey
George - landholder
Gerald - strong with the spear
Geraldine - female form of Gerald
Gerard - firm spear
Gertrude - spear maiden
Gilbert - yellow bright
Gillian - form of Julian
Gina - form of Georgina
Giovanni - Italian form of John
Guiseppe - Italian form of Joseph
Gladys - anglicized form of Claudia
Glen - valley
Glenda - clean and good
Gloria - glory
Godfrey - peace with God
Gordon - great hill
Grace - grace
Grady - noble
Graham - gravelly homestead
Grant - large
Gregory - watchful
Gretchen - form of Margret
Griselda - stone heroine
Grover - grove of trees
Gudrun - God's secret (Old Norse)
Guido - form of Guy
Gunter - battle warrior
Gustaf - Swedish form of Gustave
Gustave - staff of the Goths
Guy - leader
Gwenda - form of Gwendolen
Gwendolen - white ring or bow
Gwyneth - blessed



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