This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.
Ed - form of Edward, Edmund, Edwin, Edgar
Eddie - form of Edgar, Edmund, Edward, Edwin
Edgar - giver of happiness
Edith - happiness
Edmund - defender of happiness
Edna - pleasure
Edward - guardian of happiness
Edwin - gainer of happiness
Effie - form of Euphemia
Egbert - sword's brightness
Eileen - Irish form of Helen
Elaine - French form of Helen
Eleanor - form of Helen
Elijah - Jehovah is my lord
Elizabeth - worshipper of god
Ellen - form of Helen
Elliot - form of Elijah
Elmer - noble
Elroy - form of Leroy
Elsa - form of Alison, Alice, Elizabeth
Elvin - noble friend
Elvira - white
Elvis - wise one
Elwin - white brow
Emil - noble Roman family
Emilia - form of Emily
Emily - form of Emil
Emma - whole
Emmanuel - god with us
Engelbert - bright angel
Enid - woodlark
Enos - man
Eric - rich, brave
Erik - form of Eric
Erin - poetic name for Ireland
Esther - star
Ethan - firmness
Eugene - well-born
Euphemia - good report
Eva - form of Eve
Evan - young warrior
Eve - life
Evita - form of Eva
Ezekiel - strength of god
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