This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Dagmar - bright day
Daisy - name of the plant
Dale - valley
Dallas - meadow rest place
Damian - French form of Damon
Damien - taming
Damon - conqueror
Dan - form of Daniel
Dana - female form of Daniel
Daniel - divine judge
Danielle - form of Daniel
Dannie - form of Daniel
Dante - steadfast
Darcie - fem form of Darcy
Darcy - fortress
Darien - South American placename
Darlene - darling
Darrell - from Airelle
Daryl - form of Darrell
David - beloved
Dawn - first part of the day
Dean - one who lives in a valley
Deanna - form of Diana
Deborah - a bee
Delilah - delicate
Dell - one who lives in a hollow
Delphine - woman of Delphi
Demetrius - belonging to Demeter, godess of earth
Denis - belonging to Dionysus, god of wine
Denise - female form of Denis
Denton - valley place
Desdemona - ill-fated
Desmond - from southern Munster
Devin - poet
Devon - deep ones
Dexter - dyer
Diana - godess
Dick - form of Richard
Dirk - Dutch form of Derek
Dolph - form of Adolph
Dominic - lord
Don - form of Donald
Donald - proud chief
Donna - lady
Dora - form of Dorothea
Doreen - form of Dora
Dorian - a Dorian man
Doris - a Dorian woman
Dorothy - gift of god
Dougal - black stranger
Douglas - black water
Doyle - form of Dougal
Drake - dragon
Drew - form of Andrew
Drusilla - with dewy eyes
Duane - dark
Dudley - placename, Dudda's clearing
Duncan - brown chief
Dunlop - muddy hill
Durwin - dear friend
Dylan - sea



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