This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Caesar - long-haired; Roman title for Emperor
Cain - possessed
Calandra - lark
Caley - thin, slender
Callie - form of Calandra
Cally - form of Calandra
Calvin - little bald one
Calypso - concealer
Cameron - hook nose
Campbell - crooked mouth
Candice - brilliant white
Candy - form of Candice
Cara - friend
Carey - castle dweller
Carina - form of Cara
Carissa - dear one
Carl - form of Charles
Carla - female form of Carl
Carlos - Spanish form of Charles
Carlotta - Italian form of Charlotte
Carlton - farm of the peasants
Carmel - garden
Carmela - Spanish form of Carmel
Carmen - Another Spanish form of Carmel
Carol - shortened form of Caroline
Caroline - female form of Charles
Carrie - form of Carol
Cary - pleasant stream
Casey - vigilant
Casper - Dutch form of Jasper
Cass - form of Cassandra
Cassandra - she who inflames with love
Cassidy - clever
Cassie - form of Cassandra
Castor - beaver
Catalina - Spanish form of Katherine
Caterina - Italian form of Katherine
Catherine - French form of Katherine
Cato - wise one
Cecil - dim-sighted
Cedric - adapted from Cerdic
Celeste - heavenly
Chad - warlike
Chandler - maker of candles
Charlene - form of Charles
Charles - strong, manly
Charlotte - form of Charles
Charlton - form of Carlton
Charmaine - form of Charmian
Charmian - little delight
Chelsea - chalk landing place
Cherry - the fruit cherry
Cheryl - variant of Cherry
Chester - fortified camp
Chloe - green herb
Chris - form of Christian
Chrissie - form of Christine
Christian - belonging to Christ
Christiana - form of Christian
Christie - Christian
Christine - form of Christiana
Christopher - bearing Christ
Christy - form of Christie
Cinderella - English form of Cendrillon
Cindy - form of Cinderella
Claire - French form of Clara
Clara - bright, illustrious
Clare - form of Clara
Clarence - bright shining
Clarice - fame
Clarissa - form of Clarice
Clark - cleric
Claud - English form of Claudius
Claudia - female form of Claud
Claudius - lame
Claus - form of Klaus
Clayton - place with good clay
Clem - form of Clemence
Clemence - justice and mercy
Clement - mild-tempered
Cleo - form of Cleopatra
Cliff - form of Clifford
Clifford - ford at a cliff
Clifton - place on a cliff
Clinton - settlement on a hill
Clive - at the cliff
Clover - from the plant
Clyde - name of a Scottish river
Coleman - swarthy man
Colette - form of Nicole
Colin - form of Nicholas
Colleen - girl
Collette - form of Colette
Con - form of Conan
Conan - little hound
Conn - chief
Conrad - able counsel
Conroy - wise
Constance - form of Constant
Constant - firm and faithful
Cooper - barrel maker
Cordelia - warm-hearted
Corey - god peace
Cornelius - horn-like
Cosmo - order
Courtney - short nose
Craig - crag
Crispin - having curly hair
Crystal - name of the lead oxide glass
Curt - form of Kurt
Curtis - form of Curt
Cuthbert - noted splendour
Cynthia - belonging to Mt Cynthus
Cyrano - from Cyrene
Cyril - lordly



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