This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Baird - minstrel
Baldric - bold ruler
Baldwin - bold friend
Bambi - form of the Italian bambino meaning child
Barlow - barley hill
Barnaby - son or consolation
Barnard - form of Bernard
Barry - spear
Bart - form of Bartholomew
Bartholomew - warlike son
Basil - kingly
Beatrice - happy
Beau - handsome
Beavan - form of Bevan
Beckie - form of Rebecca
Bee - form of Beatrice
Belinda - beautiful woman
Bellamy - handsome friend
Benedict - blessed
Benjamin - son of the right hand
Benson - son of Ben
Berenice - bringing victory
Bernadette - female form of Bernard
Bernard - strong bear
Bernado - Spanish form of Bernard
Bernice - form of Berenice
Bernie - form of Bernard
Bert - form of Albert, Bertram, Egbert, Gilbert
Bertha - bright, beautiful
Bertram - bright, fair, illustrious
Bertrand - French form of Bertram
Beryl - jewel
Bess - form of Elizabeth
Beth - form of Elizabeth, Bethany
Bethany - place name near Jerusalem
Betsy - form of Elizabeth
Bevan - son of Evan
Beverly - beaver stream
Bevin - drink wine
Bianca - Italian form of Blanch
Biddy - form of Bridget
Bill - form of William
Bing - hollow
Birgit - Swedish form of Bridget
Björn - bear
Blair - plain
Blake - pale complexioned
Blanche - white
Bonita - pretty
Bonnie - form of Bonita
Boris - small
Boyd - light haired
Brad - form of Bradley
Bradford - broad foot
Bradley - broad clearing
Braham - meadow with bushes
Bram - form of Abraham
Brenda - brand or sword
Brendan - prince
Brenna - raven-haired beauty
Brent - steep place
Brett - a native of Brittany
Brewster - brewer
Brian - strong
Bridget - shining bright
Broderick - son of Roderick
Brodie - ditch
Bron - form of Auberon
Bronwen - white breast
Brooke - stream
Bruce - ?
Bruno - brown
Bryan - form of Brian
Buck - stag
Burke - fort or manor
Burley - Castle dweller near meadow
Burt - form of Burton
Burton - farmstead
Byron - cowsheds



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