This page is dedicated to first names. I will start of with 'A's' and move my way through the alphabet. If you would like to add a name or another meaning, please don't hesitate to e-mail me. Just click the link below.

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Aaron - mountaineer, enlightener
Abbie - form of Abigail
Abbott - father of the abbey
Abe - form of Abraham
Abel - breath, fickleness, vanity
Abelard - nobly resolute
Abiather - father of plenty or excellence
Aberah - form of Averah
Abiel - father of strength
Abigail - my fathers joy
Abihu - to whom Jehovah is a father
Abijah - to whom Jehovah is a father
Abner - father of light
Abra - mother of multitudes
Abraham - father of a multitude
Abram - father of elevation
Absalom - father of peace
Acacia - the name of a plant, possibly meaning immortality and resurrection
Acantha - thorny, spiney
Ace - unity, unit
Adam - man, earth man, red earth
Addie - form of Adelaide
Adela - of noble birth; a princess
Adelaide - of noble birth; a princess
Adele - the French form of Adela
Adolf - form of Adolph
Adolph - noble wolf, noble hero
Adolpha - noble she-wolf
Adora - beautiful goddess of the resurrection

Adrian - of the Adriatic in Italy
Adrianne - female version of Adrian
Adriel - from God's congregation
Agatha - good, kind
Aggie - form of Agatha
Agnes - chaste, pure
Aiden - fire, flame
Ailean - form of Alan
Aileen - form of Eileen
Al - form of Alan, Albert etc
Alain - French form of Alan
Alan - meaning not definite, possibly a hound, harmony
Albert - all-bright; illustrious
Alberta - female version of Albert
Aldis - old house
Aldo - old
Aldous - old
Alec - form of Alexander
Alex - form of Alexander
Alexander - helper of men
Alf - form of Alfred
Alfred - good or wise counsellor
Alice - of noble birth
Alison - form of Alice
Alphonso - all-ready; willing

Alvin - winning all
Amadeus - lover of God
Amanda - worthy of love
Amber - name of the gemstone
Ambrose - immortal; divine
Amelia - busy, energetic
Amos - strong, courageous; a burden
Amy - beloved
Anastasia - rising up, resurrection
Andre - French form of Andrew
Andrew - strong, manly, courageous
Angel - form of Angela
Angela - messenger
Angelica - lovely; angelic
Angus - excellent virtue
Anita - Spanish form of Ann
Ann - grace
Anna - Latin form of Ann
Annabelle - lovable
Anne - French form of Ann
Annette - French form of Ann
Anthea - Flowery
Anthony - form of Antony
Antoinette - form of Antonia
Anton - German form of Antony

Antonia - female form of Antony
Antony - priceless, praiseworthy
April - the name of the month
Archibald - very bold; holy prince
Aretha - excellently virtuous
Argyle - the Scottish place name
Aria - beautiful melody
Ariel - God's lion
Arlen - pledge
Armand - French form of Herman
Arnold - strong as an eagle; eagle meadow
Arnulf - eagle wolf
Arthur - high; noble
Arvin - people's friend
Asher - happy, fortunate
Ashley - ash wood or glade
Astrid - fair god
Athena - goddess of wisdom
Augustine - belonging to Augustus
Augustus - exalted, imperial
Aurora - morning redness, fresh, brilliant
Austin - form of Augustine
Axel - father of peace
Azaria - form of Azarias
Azarias - helped by God



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