Welcome to my Guestbook!

Matt Gwynn - 02/07/00 17:39:42
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/wv/comedycentral/
My Email:matt_gwynn@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: old email
Fav site?: This one of course....
Fav cartoon?: South Park
Fav type of music?: jazz n' blues
Fav animal?: dog
Fav musical instrument?: tromboner and guitar
GREAT PAGE SMURF!! I hope you are doing great! Feel free to email me anytime and let me know whats going on in the wonderful state of Louisiana???........did i spell that right......

ewa - 01/31/00 13:18:47
My Email:spicesmurf10@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: by surfing the net
Fav site?: don't have one
Fav cartoon?: ho do you think smurfs
Fav type of music?: everything on mtv
Fav animal?: cat
Fav musical instrument?: don't know
Hi just wanted to tell you that I hoped for some smurfs on this site. Anyway write to me if you want. And I couldn't find the picture of you, but do write to me if you want. by the way I am from Denmark in europe. And I love and collect smurfs.

Ash - 12/22/99 21:38:45
My URL:/ash_1202/ash.html
My Email:Zeppelin207@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: You showed me!
Fav site?: http://third-plateau.lycaeum.org
Fav cartoon?: The Simpsons and Scooby Doo!
Fav type of music?: all kinds....esp. The Beatles
Fav animal?: Dogs
Fav musical instrument?: Acoustic Guitar
Hey Courtney, Great page babe! I love everyhing on this site! I can't wait to see you again when you come into town. Maybe you could show me how to fix up my site. love ya! Brett

Melanie W. - 11/08/99 16:11:11
My Email:mellymel17@hotmail.com

Amanda Blevins - 11/05/99 14:45:57
My Email:squirt_99_us@yahoo.com
How'd you find me?: WHS Band guest book
Fav site?: ?????
Fav cartoon?: Auther
Fav type of music?: country& christian
Fav animal?: dog
Fav musical instrument?: flutes rule of course
hi haven't seen you and years and you picture didn't come up for me oh well ok I'm gonna email you all the personal stuff.

Mome Rath - 10/23/99 00:21:10
My URL:http://free.prohosting.com/~green
My Email:momerath@email.com
How'd you find me?: From Brett
Fav site?: http://third-plateau.lycaeum.org/
Fav cartoon?: Captain Caaaaaaveman!
Fav type of music?: Blues, Funk, Rock
Fav animal?: Cow
Fav musical instrument?: Bass
Hey! Your friend Brett from LSU told me about your site. He also told me you were pagan. I have a deep respect for pagans and his telling me that put you high on my book :) Keep up the good work on your webpage and I hope I can meet you one day when I see Brett next! --Mome Rath

Cuong Tran - 09/26/99 00:43:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/SiliconValley/Park/5313/
My Email:deathtran@geocities.com
How'd you find me?: clicked around a little.
Fav site?: www.dictionary.com - just so I can look up words without getting out a REAL book
Fav cartoon?: Ranma 1/2 or Golden Boy
Fav type of music?: I'm not too into music, but Juvinile's Back That Azz Up is good even though I don't like most rap.
Fav animal?: Cats
Fav musical instrument?: I can play a little piano, but that's about it.
Don't party too hard at LSU. I know if I were going to LSU, my grades would drop so fast!!!!

William Zorn - 09/09/99 02:26:31
My URL:http://www.intersurf.com/~william
My Email:william@intersurf.com
How'd you find me?: ICQ
Fav site?: www.intersurf.com/~william/fairy.jpg
Fav cartoon?: Scooby Do
Fav type of music?: all... celtic/newage/clasical esp.
Fav animal?: Tiger
Fav musical instrument?: Recorder
Very nice page, like I told you on ICQ.

Jason - 09/08/99 07:08:50
My Email:xoltarr@aol.com
How'd you find me?: searching lsu
Fav type of music?: just about anything
Fav animal?: lion
Fav musical instrument?: tuba
I like your site as well as your picture. I think that you are very cute. I am from Mississippi State and I am in the band. I am currently on my second major in computer-engineering. I finished with my first in general science. I know some people who go to lsu. Jan and Brianne Powell. I have known them for years. Anyway, I hope to hear from you. Jason Oh, you wouldn't happen to know if i can get my hands on lsu's pregame fanfare. It is my favorite college fanfare:)

OrneryPest - 09/03/99 13:32:46
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/RainForest/Canopy/8736/
My Email:ornerypest@yahoo.com
How'd you find me?: My Netscrape Navelgazer landed here.
Fav site?: Anywhere I'm looking at the moment
Fav cartoon?: Beetle Bailey
Fav type of music?: Medievel string quartet
Fav animal?: Opossum
Fav musical instrument?: Barn dance fiddle
I like your site! Very nice!

Bill - 07/31/99 01:08:30
My URL:http://www.william@webtv.com
My Email:same
How'd you find me?: Jess
Fav site?: you naked! Haha
Fav cartoon?: He-Man
Fav type of music?: rock
Fav animal?: dog
Fav musical instrument?: none

Alex Evans - 07/12/99 00:27:02
My URL:http://www.lsuchat.com
My Email:awe@lsuchat.com
How'd you find me?: Through a Link
Fav site?: LSUchat.com
Fav cartoon?: Garfield
Fav type of music?: Classic Rock/R and B
Fav animal?: Pussy.... Cat
Fav musical instrument?: Piano
Come chat with us on LSUchat.com! :)

Corky - 07/11/99 21:27:08
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/colosseum/ring/2619
My Email:LaReux@girlofyourdreams.com
How'd you find me?: You will never know...Ha Ha
Fav site?: My own...
Fav cartoon?: Super Friends
Fav type of music?: Rap/metal
Fav animal?: Pig
Fav musical instrument?: Snare Drum
Wow...I am signing your guestbook, so you better look at my page and sign mine...

2tango - 05/30/99 02:31:21
My URL:http://www.firefly.net
How'd you find me?: firefly
Fav type of music?: groovy
Fav animal?: puppy
Fav musical instrument?: a gravis max

Jay - 05/27/99 23:58:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Stadium/1858
My Email:tompeko@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: you duh.
Fav site?: yours of course
Fav cartoon?: dragon Ball Z
Fav type of music?: country
Fav animal?: wolf
Fav musical instrument?: sax
hey you signed my guest book. What cha need girl? You know that I am always here for you. so just give me a call. I haven't been near a comp. in quite a while. well talk to you l8er. luv ya.

D.W. Williams - 05/07/99 19:35:12
My Email:dwa_plaquemine@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: you told me where to find you
Fav site?: n/a
Fav cartoon?: Scooby Doo
Fav type of music?: all music
Fav animal?: tiger or kanga
Fav musical instrument?: trumpet of course
Hi Smurf! This isn't a bad page. I like the color. GREEN!!! I wish I could make a website, but I'm computer illiterate. Have a great summer!

joel b. - 05/07/99 01:37:53
My URL:http://members.aol.com/shades6850/life12/index.html
My Email:shades6850@aol.com
How'd you find me?: you're one of my good friends. i had to visit
Fav site?: www.blur.co.uk
Fav cartoon?: freakazoid
Fav type of music?: blur, pumpkins, sloan, metallica
Fav animal?: cat (so lazy and surly, like me)
Fav musical instrument?: drums, of course
you need to add my site to your links, shmuck. anyways, nice job. you need to come back to waxahachie some time. you're close enough.

Jennifer Sumnlers - 05/06/99 15:17:54
My Email:jsumnlers@yahoo.com
How'd you find me?: through e-mail letter
Fav cartoon?: Don't have one
Fav type of music?: country, rap, alternative
Fav animal?: cat
Fav musical instrument?: don't have one

Sarah Waldron - 05/05/99 19:28:02
My Email:siggydianne@yahoo.com
Fav site?: http://www.pressanykey.com
Fav cartoon?: Betty Boop
Fav type of music?: alternative, pop
Fav animal?: horse
Hey this is a really cool site.

Jeff the Baritone - 05/04/99 18:16:42
My URL:http://www.scoopscentral.com
How'd you find me?: Chris' guestbook
Fav site?: www.scoopscentral.com
Fav musical instrument?: baritone.
I have no comments. I am merely making my presence known.

Vid - 03/16/99 21:28:42
My URL:http://I.don't.have-one.yet.com
My Email:ace-banzai@mailexcite.com
How'd you find me?: Chris Garcia's website
Fav site?: Unamerican Activities
Fav cartoon?: Voltron
Fav type of music?: Punk and High Energy
Fav animal?: Hedgehog or any type of dinosaur
Fav musical instrument?: Bass Guitar and Digeridou(that how ya say it)
Hey cool page, You don't know me but I'm a friend (former roommate) of chris garcia's. I notice you had a link to rocky horror on your site. coolness, I'm in the rocky cast here at baton rouge. anyway just thought I'd say hi

Courtney - 03/16/99 03:29:27
My URL:http://www.gatewayno.com/courtney
My Email:courtney@gatewayno.com
How'd you find me?: your link from Chris's guestbook
Fav site?: www.react.com
Fav cartoon?: rugrats!
Fav type of music?: anything that sounds good
Fav animal?: doggies!
Fav musical instrument?: tuba!
Hey! Awesome page! Green is cool. And umm, nice name ;) P.S. I'm Chris's sister, in case you wanted to know...

Chris - 03/12/99 13:30:21
My URL:http://www.chrisgarcia.com
My Email:eltuba@lsuchat.com
How'd you find me?: hey, you typed it in yourself! don't lookat me!
Fav site?: http://www.lsuchat.com
Fav cartoon?: hm, south park
Fav type of music?: marching band
Fav animal?: tiger, definately
Fav musical instrument?: euphonium, sound of a french horn, range of a trombone ..
kickass site! WOO!

smiley - 03/08/99 23:53:41
My URL:http://www3.bc.sympatico.ca/djs/
How'd you find me?: Through The Birdhouse
Fav site?: www.dotmusic.com
Fav cartoon?: Daria
Fav type of music?: Brit-Pop
Fav animal?: the female species
Fav musical instrument?: the human voice

Cool Site! A Zoologist eh..cool. May be I bring my Daycamp children to your zoo...hmm, then again may be not...I'm from another country.

Beth Bienvenu - 03/01/99 05:17:51
My URL:http://beth.someone.net
My Email:bethbeth@email.com
How'd you find me?: Courtney told me
Fav site?: changes every day
Fav cartoon?: South Park
Fav type of music?: classic rock
Fav animal?: iguana
Fav musical instrument?: guitar and french horn
Great page Courtney! I love the color green.

Tigersmurf - 02/13/99 05:23:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Aegean/5097
My Email:tigersmurf@hotmail.com
How'd you find me?: I am me.
Fav site?: www.hampsterdance.com
Fav cartoon?: Smurfs!!!
Fav type of music?: Swing or Alternative
Fav animal?: Tigers!!!
Fav musical instrument?: French Horn or Mellophone
Just checking to see if my guestbook works now.

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