Welcome to Tiger Smurf's Lair!

Enter At Your Own Risk

3/18/08: Okay I'm so bad at updating. Hopefully I'll be able to update the photo soon. I'm now 27 (almost 28) and I'm still at the Baton Rouge Zoo. The above picture is of me and "Stanley". Stanley turned out to be a girl and has since, unfortunately, passed away. I love my job and hope to do it for a very long time.

Well if anyone does decide to visit this page, please feel free to leave me a message in the guestbook (if it still works), or visit me at my livejournal.. Tigersmurf's Livejournal, or my myspace page.... or my facebook page (sigh).


This page is dedicated to the color GREEN and basically anything else that happens to interest me.

If you have any suggestions and/or helpful hints, please email me at tigersmurf.courtney@gmail.com or just sign the guestbook at the bottom. Please come back and visit me anytime. Have a "Smurfy" day!

[Anime Web Turnpike]
Anime Web Turnpike

Avenue Q
Homestar Runner
My High School
Mr. Science Web Comic

Smurf's Poems, Thoughts, and Quotes
Smurf's Favorite Web Sites
DW's Trip Summaries
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Long Live Rocky Horror Picture Show! Tiger Tunes!

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