Welcome to Corsagé Meadows
"Hello there, Traveller, and Welcome to my little place in Emeral-- Corsagé Meadows. I am Quantanya.... Would you like to see me? Are you sure you can handle it? Ok, turn around-- here I am..."
Original B&W Image from www.dreslough.com"Don't look so frightened-- I will do you no harm! That I promise you.... There is a growing number of creatures in this beautiful area with me as of right now.... There are so many wonderful creatures... I just can't name them all!"
"Hopefully soon you will be able to visit them all... The meadows are being reconstructed currently so there are not pathways to all of them. But you can still follow the paths there are, learn about me, read about the Corsénian Language, and possibly adopt a **Ja'alek or a Mini Býraud!
The Featherdragon Index...
Lessa Lynn's Presents...
MiniDragons' Meadow...
The Zombarian Queen...
Green Meadow...
The Unicorns' Meadow...
Opal Meadow...
Fire Opal Meadow...
Pocket Meadow...
The Papillion...
Kizia'Aia Meadow...
The Glassdragons...
The Drigetti...
The Idroans...
Juina Faihdala...
Skytop Cliff Meadow...
Corsagé Shore...
MoodDragon Meadow...
Drakopid Meadow...
Kirana's Meadow...
Midnight Meadow...
Purrinka Meadow...
Unicorn Flowers...
Gaza Meadow...
Thíreherser Meadow...
The Emerald Swirling Spring...
In the Brook- Hopeful Waterdragon
Look- Lessa Lynn sent me a Spirit Flower!
Send a Spirit Flower!Aww... Look at the Puppies! I recieved two of them... The first is from Cantarae, and the second is from Kalea! Thanks you two!
Click one of them to send your own puppy!Their names are Seliana and Ghost. I named Seliana, isn't she so cute? Kalea named Ghost, he's kinda spooky!
"Oh, I almost forgot-- here is my Waterdragon, Scléant, he helps me make sure that people do not hurt any of the animals at the meadows... He is a good little dragon."
Quantanya scratches the dragons' eyeridge. "Isn't that right, Scléant?" the dragon rumbles in reply, then glares at you.... ~Do not harm the animals, Visitor. I have sharp teeth.~ "Oh, Scléant, I don't think the Visitor will do them harm...."~Good, wouldn't want to have to bite someone...~ Quantanya laughs.... "Oh, don't worry, Scléant is perfectly harmless- unless you harm someone or thing- then watch out! That's why I got a Waterdragon.... Good dragons...... Oh, they are from Here, if you'd like to get one- you have to find them first though! They're hidden....!"
I see you have not went somewhere else... Would you like to learn about me then? My history and such? Well, then....
"Or perhaps you would like to see the small Corsénian Dictionary? Unless you've been speaking it your whole life, don't try to learn it! The language is very complex! I've only picked up some words from the Býrauds- it's their language. They've caught on to English much faster than I've caught on to Corsénian.... If you'd like to try your hand at the Býrauds' language, go THERE. Some of the wild creatures also speak it, but those that hatch in captivity know whatever language you teach them."
Email: Cynther@yahoo.com
**Ja'alek search is currently Closed.