These are parts of IMs.. to read written/spoken funny stuff, click here. they're funny, or maybe i just think they are. either or, they're enjoyable.

jenwrks1984: dooonnnttt leeeaaaavveeee
jenwrks1984: that looks like donut lewee
LbtyB11e: donut lewee

jenwrks1984: so. tell me what your theory is and please don't make it aliens.
jenwrks1984: ready.... go
LbtyB11e: ok
LbtyB11e: people crash on the island which has mystical healing properties and some of them go crazy protecting the island.
LbtyB11e: that happens again and again
LbtyB11e: and i think some of the first people who got to the island are recruiting help
LbtyB11e: so jacob found the black guy who found richard who found ben who found locke kind of
LbtyB11e: wait no
LbtyB11e: probably richard found all three of them
LbtyB11e: grr
LbtyB11e: okay so the healing properties of the island are because of time
LbtyB11e: nobody's getting sick except for when the island got pulled back
LbtyB11e: that's when claire had her baby and when ben got cancer
LbtyB11e: but before then babies couldn't be born because of time
LbtyB11e: that makes no sense
LbtyB11e: i think that they've moved the island several times before
LbtyB11e: to save it from poachers
LbtyB11e: the dharma machine made it unplottable i guess
LbtyB11e: but now it is again
jenwrks1984: wanna know my theory?
jenwrks1984: it's really good.
LbtyB11e: yes
jenwrks1984: puragatory.
jenwrks1984: lol.

LbtyB11e: the afterimage of the dead guy talking to john was sweet
jenwrks1984: fucking creepy. i had nightmares that he kept getting closer to me and he's turn around and would have another bloody nose
LbtyB11e: the island has nice ways of telling people stuff
LbtyB11e: ahahahaha
jenwrks1984: afterimage?
LbtyB11e: you're weird
jenwrks1984: what?
LbtyB11e: the ghost i mean
jenwrks1984: what ghost
jenwrks1984: damnit did i miss something
jenwrks1984: am i like dad who was like, "there was someone in the rocking chair?"

lostcityhero: i guess thats good logic
lostcityhero: haha
jenwrks1984: see, i know stuff.
jenwrks1984: just cause i can't stay in a relationship doesn't mean i don't know how they're supposed to work lol
lostcityhero: hold on let me translate that and make a truth table
lostcityhero: no sorry its not tautologically valid
jenwrks1984: lol
lostcityhero: hey, tomorrow we might need to have a citation party and work on footnotes hehe.
jenwrks1984: sweet! citation party!!
lostcityhero: i'll bring kathleen turabian as my date
lostcityhero: lol

jenwrks1984: you're right this fight sucks
jenwrks1984: it's so unnecessarily dramatic
lostcityhero: yeah
jenwrks1984: ino's all "ooh i'm gonna cut off my hair"
jenwrks1984: whatev
jenwrks1984: just punch her in the throat
lostcityhero: rofl

jenwrks1984: would you vote for martin sheen if he ran for president? or for >that matter.. george clooney?
lostcityhero: i wouldn't vote for george clooney because he was in batman and robin.....nipple batsuit=not cool. martin sheen i would though
jenwrks1984: yeah.. but why would you vote for him?
lostcityhero: um cause isn't he emilio estevez's dad?
jenwrks1984: lol yeah. but would you vote for him over someone who had legitimate political experience?
lostcityhero: sure
lostcityhero: i think it would be good to have someone without political experience
lostcityhero: cause they wouldn't be used to the system
jenwrks1984: sure
jenwrks1984: but they wouldn't know anything about the system and wouldn't you worry that other countries wouldn't take us seriously?
lostcityhero: and probably wouldn't have come up with their little strategies for getting people to go along with them
lostcityhero: perhaps but we still have a military to say fuck you to people who question it ;-) lol
jenwrks1984: oh sure cause that works whenever we try it
lostcityhero: plus i mean with the cabinet and congress and stuff its not THAT big a deal
lostcityhero: well.....yeah
jenwrks1984: it's not like he's andrew jackson lol
lostcityhero: touche
lostcityhero: I'm naming my first born son andrew jackson
jenwrks1984: first name andrew, middle name jackson.. that's nice.
jenwrks1984: your mom would be pissed
lostcityhero: lol well i can justify the name enough haha. i mean my dad's name is andrew. jackson is a cool name. and my best friend and the guy
who's gonna be the best man at my wedding whenever that is, his last name is jackson hehe. problem solved
jenwrks1984: rofl
jenwrks1984: your wedding will be funny
jenwrks1984: i will get drunk and make a speech. i promise to be hilarious.
lostcityhero: haha
jenwrks1984: i'm not kidding.

lostcityhero: ooh people were talking about where they're gonna retire to at work the other day. like way later and stuff when they're old. and i
started thinking about it and i was like i'm fucking retiring to the moon!!!!!!!
jenwrks1984: the moon.
jenwrks1984: you're going to retire to the moon.
lostcityhero: or you know, somewhere else in space
jenwrks1984: you know.. i have to say, i have absolutely no desire to ever go to the moon. unless, you know, the earth was going to explode. which, incidently,
was what my dream was about last night.
jenwrks1984: nuclear war
lostcityhero: lol
lostcityhero: if the earth exploded the moon would probably be fucked too though
jenwrks1984: yeah well when you're dreaming that somehow doesn't seem to matter much
jenwrks1984: i ended up on a helicopter in space, so i think reality was far far away
lostcityhero: haha whatever space helicopters will be there dont worry
jenwrks1984: fair enough
jenwrks1984: you were in an xwing fighter.
jenwrks1984: i have fucked up dreams
lostcityhero: thats awesome
lostcityhero: was i red leader
jenwrks1984: you were the special assistant to the president so you got to fly in your own xwing fighter
jenwrks1984: i was the communications director so i got a helicopter. i'm not sure why.
jenwrks1984: it's possible i've been watching the west wing too much.
lostcityhero: haha
lostcityhero: perhaps
lostcityhero: no ninjas?
jenwrks1984: gaara and kabuto were terrorists
lostcityhero: how can any country consider themselves respectable without a team of highly skilled ninjas!
jenwrks1984: this is what i'm saying. if we had the ninjas on the payroll you wouldn't have needed the xwing fighter in the first place

JalanJalaning: aw you're working at blockbuster!!?
jenwrks1984: until i can find a normal job, yeah
JalanJalaning: the one on smithville where you used to work?
jenwrks1984: i'm applying at wsu so i can get like 10 bachelors degrees
jenwrks1984: yeah
jenwrks1984: for free
JalanJalaning: cool
jenwrks1984: the degrees.
JalanJalaning: that's a good idea
jenwrks1984: not blockbuster

lostcityhero: did you like toad the wet sprocket?
lostcityhero: theres a cover of all i want
lostcityhero: i wasn't really a fan of them. this cover is cool though
jenwrks1984: pretty much anything that came out in the 90s i'm a fan of
jenwrks1984: except nirvana
jenwrks1984: and stp
jenwrks1984: and pearl ham
jenwrks1984: ha ha pearl ham

jenwrks1984: mike is online
jenwrks1984: we have to hurry this conversation or he will talk to me
jenwrks1984: hey.
jenwrks1984: HEY
jenwrks1984: you have 2 minutes or i'm going to sleep
cognitivedissnce: hey
jenwrks1984: oh.
cognitivedissnce: um hold on
jenwrks1984: HURRY!!!
jenwrks1984: "daytonadonis" is looming
jenwrks1984: eek.
cognitivedissnce: hahah
cognitivedissnce: block his ass
jenwrks1984: no that's mean
jenwrks1984: he's not ron thompson
cognitivedissnce: whatever i blocked him a while ago
cognitivedissnce: i dont have time for that smack
jenwrks1984: hey.
jenwrks1984: HEY.
jenwrks1984: i will not be ignored.
jenwrks1984: i feel like glenn close from fatal attraction.
jenwrks1984: did you minimize me?
jenwrks1984: i am mad.
jenwrks1984: AAHH mike just talked to me i have to go
cognitivedissnce: wait
jenwrks1984 : what hurry hurry
jenwrks1984: HHUUURRRYY
jenwrks1984: damnit i'm talking to mike i hate you

jenwrks1984: gebhart bought the jeep yesterday
jenwrks1984: for $5000. yay!
cognitivedissnce: i read that
jenwrks1984: he made fun of my room
jenwrks1984: and my britney spears poster
jenwrks1984: which is fair.
jenwrks1984: but mean.
jenwrks1984: and apparently his girlfriend is all weird about me visiting
cognitivedissnce: ya think?
jenwrks1984: i think it's cute.
jenwrks1984: i was like but it's me and he was like i know that's what i told
her and i was like why didn't you lie like you always do and tell her i
was your cousin or something
jenwrks1984: it was funny
cognitivedissnce: hahahah
cognitivedissnce: that is funny
cognitivedissnce: "like you always do"

cognitivedissnce: yay you got laid
jenwrks1984: and apparently that means i don't give a shit anymore
cognitivedissnce: hoo ha ha
cognitivedissnce: youre a guy
jenwrks1984: I KNOW
cognitivedissnce: "i'm a dude"
cognitivedissnce: say it out loud
jenwrks1984: ahahaha
cognitivedissnce: pleeeaase
jenwrks1984: a weenie in a bottle
cognitivedissnce: a private dick
jenwrks1984: you're the fifth whore at this table
cognitivedissnce: ahaha

jenwrks1984: so.. tired..
cognitivedissnce: hey at least you arent in rehab like marykate.
jenwrks1984: bob and i are going to send her a sandwich
cognitivedissnce: you are funny
cognitivedissnce: ahahahaha
cognitivedissnce: (i cant stop laughing about mary kate)
cognitivedissnce: so funny
jenwrks1984: we were going to make a pot pie and send it
jenwrks1984: but it might get smushed

havrican1 (1:31:17 AM): boom
jenwrks1984 (1:31:25 AM): boom?
havrican1 (1:31:33 AM): shake shake shake the room
jenwrks1984 (1:31:40 AM): you messed up my game of minesweeper, man
jenwrks1984 (1:31:50 AM): i was totally winning

havrican1 (1:34:25 AM): i'm wearing a Marley shirt.
jenwrks1984 (1:34:31 AM): good for you.
havrican1 (1:34:33 AM): it is
jenwrks1984 (1:34:37 AM): i suppose
havrican1 (1:34:38 AM): isn't it?
jenwrks1984 (1:34:51 AM): i'm wearing a clay aiken shirt.
jenwrks1984 (1:34:54 AM): good for me. :-)
havrican1 (1:35:12 AM): BOOO
that's the gayest thing I’ve ever heard of
jenwrks1984 (1:35:16 AM): you are
havrican1 (1:35:24 AM): so?

RiP kDc (8:28:21 PM): silly jenny
jenwrks1984 (8:28:26 PM): silly james
jenwrks1984 (8:28:28 PM): :-)
RiP kDc (8:28:30 PM): wish ur name was jill
RiP kDc (8:28:39 PM): itd of been kool to say silly jilly
jenwrks1984 (8:28:42 PM): ahahaha
jenwrks1984 (8:28:47 PM): you can pretend
RiP kDc (8:28:54 PM): ok, lets try that again....
jenwrks1984 (8:29:01 PM): silly
RiP kDc (8:29:03 PM): silly jilly
jenwrks1984 (8:29:06 PM): hee hee
RiP kDc (8:29:06 PM): yay!

RiP kDc (8:30:23 PM): silly jilly
jenwrks1984 (8:30:32 PM): dude you're so funny
RiP kDc (8:31:52 PM): no ur so funny
jenwrks1984 (8:31:55 PM): no... you
RiP kDc (8:32:01 PM): quite possibly the funniest women ive ever met
jenwrks1984 (8:32:08 PM): i can live with that

RiP kDc (8:35:44 PM): kool
RiP kDc (8:35:48 PM): dj jilly
RiP kDc (8:35:51 PM): has a ring to it
jenwrks1984 (8:35:52 PM): ahaha.. that's me..
RiP kDc (8:36:05 PM): but perhaps not as good as dj silly jilly has
jenwrks1984 (8:36:18 PM): and i found my new name, then
jenwrks1984 (8:36:25 PM): works for me
RiP kDc (8:37:13 PM): unfourtantly i will have to be payed royalty fees
evrytime u or any1 else in america says that
jenwrks1984 (8:37:25 PM): i'll give you a shiny nickel
RiP kDc (8:37:30 PM): woohoo
RiP kDc (8:37:35 PM): my first commision :-)

Ron1319 (9:51:53 PM): we broke up for weird reasons.
Ron1319 (9:51:58 PM): mainly, I got given up for Lent.
Ron1319 (9:52:01 PM): She's Catholic.
Ron1319 (9:52:04 PM): I'm clearly not.

FlickdFlem (3:41:42 PM): HE READS!!!
jenwrks1984 (3:41:45 PM): no way
jenwrks1984 (3:41:48 PM): actual books?
FlickdFlem (3:41:52 PM): yes!
FlickdFlem (3:41:56 PM): he read fast food nation!
jenwrks1984 (3:41:58 PM): !!!!!!!
jenwrks1984 (3:42:01 PM): i'm shocked
FlickdFlem (3:42:09 PM): i almost shit myself
jenwrks1984 (3:42:12 PM): literally.. in shock

jenwrks1984 (3:43:52 PM): maybe he's like..
jenwrks1984 (3:43:55 PM): an actual
jenwrks1984 (3:43:56 PM): real
jenwrks1984 (3:43:58 PM): nice guy
FlickdFlem (3:44:42 PM): well. i don't know how likely that is,
think of what you're saying here. an actual real nice guy?

jenwrks1984 (6:19:00 PM): huuuuuurryyyyyy
jenwrks1984 (6:19:02 PM): that's me whining
jenwrks1984 (6:19:09 PM): i'm sorry, whiiiiniiiing
lbtyjnana (6:19:16 PM): eeeeeee
lbtyjnana (6:19:21 PM): that was me whining
jenwrks1984 (6:19:30 PM): that was weird. don't do that.

jenwrks1984 (6:22:32 PM): so seriously.
lbtyjnana (6:22:33 PM): you're duuuumb
jenwrks1984 (6:22:34 PM): what's going on
jenwrks1984 (6:22:35 PM): lets go
lbtyjnana (6:22:36 PM): so for seriously
jenwrks1984 (6:22:39 PM): i'm seriously
lbtyjnana (6:22:42 PM): ahah
lbtyjnana (6:22:48 PM): im seriously
jenwrks1984 (6:22:57 PM): okay now i really AM seriously

MadLyrik (8:05:38 PM): i have a 3.7
MadLyrik (8:05:44 PM): what the fuck
jenwrks1984 (8:05:50 PM): really? yay you
MadLyrik (8:06:04 PM): no it was a fluck
MadLyrik (8:06:13 PM): flook
MadLyrik (8:06:22 PM): fluke
jenwrks1984 (8:06:25 PM): there you go
MadLyrik (8:06:27 PM): lol

MadLyrik (8:00:42 PM): 25 dollars
MadLyrik (8:01:04 PM): are you serious I dont beleive you how long is the class
jenwrks1984 (8:01:04 PM): no, 25 thousand.. of course 25 dollars, silly.
MadLyrik (8:01:17 PM): wow thats alot of money
jenwrks1984 (8:01:28 PM): 25 dollars?
jenwrks1984 (8:01:34 PM): a parking pass is 40
MadLyrik (8:02:19 PM): so thats not bad

FlickdFlem: my roommate just got out her guitar, and she's not very good
FlickdFlem: i gotta get the fuck outta here

jenwrks1984: and to top off the thanksgiving weekend excitement, i'm going to see manifest tonight with karolyn.
jenwrks1984: good times, good times
hypomonk: yeah, so i hear
jenwrks1984: woo.
jenwrks1984: i would say you should come, but i don't wish that torture on anyone.
hypomonk: hahaha
hypomonk: that place doesnt do much for me
jenwrks1984: me either
jenwrks1984: it's lame
hypomonk: lame indeed
jenwrks1984: well, karolyn is chopping something in the kitchen and i'm afraid i'm next, so i will talk to you later on.

jenwrks1984: did you get aprils email?
lbtyjnana: yeah
jenwrks1984: she spelled merrier wrong
jenwrks1984: shes so dumb
lbtyjnana: i think me and hypo is going if he cant find something better to do
lbtyjnana: yeah dood shes a big dumb
lbtyjnana: are you gonna go?
jenwrks1984: you are so lame.. first it's d&d, and now aprils party?! (just kidding)
lbtyjnana: ha, ha
jenwrks1984: i don't know. i didn't even look when it was, i just was laughing too hard because she spelled merrier wrong
jenwrks1984: hang on let me look at my calendar
jenwrks1984: damn i'm not doing anything.

jenwrks1984: you are idle, i see.
jenwrks1984: just wondering if you and hypo(?) want to venture out
into the world of teeny boppers, flares, and capri pants for one night
(November 11th) to see ME (yes, me, the one that is called i am) play the
notes F, F# and G (plus G# once in carol of the bells) at the fairfield
mall with handbells. it's the "magical night of giving" (i know, its gay,
but what do you expect? it's dayton!) and all the stores in the mall have a
discount blah blah blah anyway mom says she'll pay for your ticket
($5.00!?!?) if you want to go. we're actually good.

SaintYMKTB: you gotta boyfriend?
jenwrks1984: not really
jenwrks1984: why do you ask?
SaintYMKTB: just curious
SaintYMKTB: you got a girlfriend?
SaintYMKTB: that was a joke.
jenwrks1984: ha ha

SaintYMKTB: I was just trying to make the point that her and I have shit in common....
jenwrks1984: ::nods::
SaintYMKTB: and I was saying we would probably spend more time together if we had more in common.....
SaintYMKTB: but I phrased it really bad
jenwrks1984: hahaha she thinks you're a dick, right?
SaintYMKTB: yeah..... go figure
jenwrks1984: you phrased it bad how?
SaintYMKTB: err.... I said, "you're too girly to do the shit I like, and I said
I'd rather rip my arm off and beat myself over the head with it then go to a club with her....
cuz that's like all she does....
SaintYMKTB: and she took it bad
jenwrks1984: ahahahahahahahaha
jenwrks1984: ::dying from laughter here:::

budgirl1984 (6:23:23 PM): mom was just like, "NOW who're you talking to?"
budgirl1984 (6:23:38 PM): and i was all "KAROLYN"
lbtyjnana (6:23:39 PM): hehe
lbtyjnana (6:23:46 PM): youre a beyatch
budgirl1984 (6:23:55 PM): and she was like "oh. good."
lbtyjnana (6:24:06 PM): hehe

jenwrks1984 (8:30:17 PM): if i ever hear that fatboy slim song again i'm gonna puke.
lbtyjnana (8:30:32 PM): the one with christopher walken?
lbtyjnana (8:30:34 PM): that is hiP
jenwrks1984 (8:30:39 PM): no.
jenwrks1984 (8:30:47 PM): the funk soul brother one.
lbtyjnana (8:30:51 PM): oh well the walken one is hip
jenwrks1984 (8:30:57 PM): we're dancing to it in show choir.
jenwrks1984 (8:30:58 PM): barf.
jenwrks1984 (8:31:20 PM): *throws up on you*

lbtyjnana (8:26:07 PM): way to disappear, ass
lbtyjnana (8:26:09 PM): hehe
lbtyjnana (8:26:12 PM): what is up
jenwrks1984 (8:26:18 PM): oh.. phone rang, got kicked offline
jenwrks1984 (8:26:25 PM): what is the good word?
lbtyjnana (8:26:28 PM): oh, you forgot didnt you
lbtyjnana (8:26:31 PM): *waaaa*
lbtyjnana (8:26:36 PM): you forgot about meee
lbtyjnana (8:26:42 PM): the good word is...
lbtyjnana (8:26:44 PM): ZINE
lbtyjnana (8:26:48 PM): ziney zine zine zine
lbtyjnana (8:26:50 PM): acmeeee
lbtyjnana (8:26:52 PM): woo!
jenwrks1984 (8:26:53 PM): no.
jenwrks1984 (8:26:58 PM): you just said woo.
jenwrks1984 (8:27:02 PM): don't ever do that again.

hypomonk: she said she doesnt care
hypomonk: cause shes indecisive
budgirl1984: well she needs to take the fuckin initiative and make a decision
hypomonk: i agree
hypomonk: but she doesnt
hypomonk: *smacks a decision out of her*
budgirl1984: damn straight
hypomonk: nope
hypomonk: no decision
hypomonk: heh
budgirl1984: damn

jenwrks1984: they said this: People like you, who walk the scary line between man and woman,
jenwrks1984: are *very* helpful in understanding exactly what makes someone fucked up.
FlickdFlem: have sex with a guy, prolly 5% chance of orgasm while they have prolly 95%,
FlickdFlem: then if you get pregnant there's 20 hours of pain... shit, how fair is that? we get the pain, they get the pleasure?
jenwrks1984: no shit, yo
FlickdFlem: lol
jenwrks1984: damn.. must be good to be a guy
FlickdFlem: ya know... they have surgeries for that
jenwrks1984: hrmmm... but then i'd have to date girls and i hate girls.. and i would be a pretty useless gay guy
FlickdFlem: ya, you're right
FlickdFlem: i hate girls too
FlickdFlem: they suck
FlickdFlem: so do guys
FlickdFlem: well, people in general
jenwrks1984: yeah
jenwrks1984: but.. girls suck more
FlickdFlem: yep
jenwrks1984: cause they're whiny and obnoxious
jenwrks1984: guys just suck
FlickdFlem: blech
FlickdFlem: on everyone
jenwrks1984: yeah. boo on them

sillichili: you shoulda eaten it
budgirl1984: the bunny?
sillichili: yes the bunny
budgirl1984: but he was a little crazy so maybe he was rabid
budgirl1984: and i have a problem with that
sillichili: but you don't have a problem leaving it in the parking lot
budgirl1984: no, cause eating a bunny and killing it are two different things
sillichili: why, cause it's like cannibalism??
budgirl1984: no.
sillichili: well fine. :)
budgirl1984: not like cannibalism at all.. it's like, eating a domesticated pet
budgirl1984: and that's not right
budgirl1984: especially considering it wasn't even my rabbit
sillichili: it was your sisters?
budgirl1984: yeah, and if anyone was going to eat it, it should be her..
sillichili: hahahaha

Doubleoasis (1:52:05 PM): you a nerd
budgirl1984 (1:52:16 PM): so?
Doubleoasis (1:52:26 PM): so what
budgirl1984 (1:52:43 PM): so at least i've accepted my nerdiness..
Doubleoasis (1:53:05 PM): i let go of mine in the 7th grade
budgirl1984 (1:53:30 PM): yeah well some of us aren't quite as talented as the amazing nerdless jonathan

Frootlupey: (and this isn't gonna rhyme, damnit)
budgirl1984: it has to phyme
budgirl1984: rhyme.. damn.

DevilDawg250 (7:29:19 PM): dude you are a girl
budgirl1984 (7:29:58 PM): and you're a dick.. but that still doesn't change anything..
DevilDawg250 (7:30:10 PM): that like disqualifys you from "I can whoop lens ass status"
DevilDawg250 (7:30:17 PM): I am a dick
budgirl1984 (7:30:19 PM): i know
DevilDawg250 (7:30:27 PM): sorry
DevilDawg250 (7:30:36 PM): I've been working on that recently
DevilDawg250 (7:30:44 PM): I'll not be a dick
budgirl1984 (7:30:54 PM): well.. i would think that the fact that i AM a girl overqualifies me for "i can whoop lens ass status"
DevilDawg250 (7:31:15 PM): yeah, you're right
budgirl1984 (7:31:24 PM): yeah yeah
DevilDawg250 (7:31:52 PM): see.....i'm trying to not be a dick
budgirl1984 (7:32:07 PM): i know.. dude, it doesn't fit your character..
budgirl1984 (7:32:14 PM): it's not gonna work

SC0NI (6:08:10 PM): y such a small you think of yourself as inconsequential?
budgirl1984 (6:08:24 PM): inconsequential my foot.
SC0NI (6:08:25 PM): or is it to make up for the exact opposite?
budgirl1984 (6:08:34 PM): yeah well, at least it's not blaringly obvious.. like HI I'M A HUGE ASS FONT.
SC0NI (6:09:24 PM): oh reeeeeeeeaaaallllllly..
budgirl1984 (6:10:02): yes reeeeeeeeeaaaalllllly.

budgirl1984 (6:15:46 PM): so get her ass over to your house!
SC0NI (6:15:59 PM): this is what i'm sayin
budgirl1984 (6:16:11 PM): no no actually this is what I'M sayin
SC0NI (6:16:22 PM): sure well
SC0NI (6:16:33 PM): maybe we should stop tellin each other and start tellin her
budgirl1984 (6:17:06): you have good thoughts grasshopper.. one day you shall put those thoughts to use.
SC0NI (6:17:52): hahahahahahaha

budgirl1984 (1:40:11 PM): ooh ooh opera man!
lbtyjnana (1:40:49 PM): im watching it too
lbtyjnana (1:41:58 PM): opera man rooles
lbtyjnana (1:42:20 PM): so why you home so early
budgirl1984 (1:42:27 PM): no school-o
budgirl1984 (1:42:34 PM): woea-o
budgirl1984 (1:42:39 PM): me happy-o
lbtyjnana (1:42:44 PM): ahahao
budgirl1984 (1:42:58 PM): you can quote me-oh
lbtyjnana (1:43:13 PM): it will make no senseo
budgirl1984 (1:43:19 PM): so-o?
lbtyjnana (1:43:32 PM): ahaha
budgirl1984 (1:43:32 PM): but it is funnyo
lbtyjnana (1:43:35 PM): youre a geeko

lbtyjnana (1:48:21 PM): ahahaho
budgirl1984 (1:48:34 PM): ahahah(o) is the counto
budgirl1984 (1:48:39 PM): oneo cookie
budgirl1984 (1:48:43 PM): two cookieov
lbtyjnana (1:48:44 PM): ahahahaho
budgirl1984 (1:48:53 PM): oopso, ate one.. and another
lbtyjnana (1:48:56 PM): no more cookieso
lbtyjnana (1:49:05 PM): oh my godo
budgirl1984 (1:49:08 PM): whato
lbtyjnana (1:49:12 PM): you are mad funnyo
lbtyjnana (1:49:18 PM): i be laughing like a beyatcho
budgirl1984 (1:49:20 PM): i know i knowo
lbtyjnana (1:49:24 PM): ahahaho
budgirl1984 (1:49:25 PM): noo.
lbtyjnana (1:49:29 PM): ha!
lbtyjnana (1:49:30 PM): o
lbtyjnana (1:49:32 PM): noo
lbtyjnana (1:49:35 PM): is no goodo

Purciful: I like that idea
Jen Budzek: thank you thank you, let me take my bows...
Purciful: you're a goddess Jen

Doubleoasis (3:43:40 PM): knock knock
Budzek (3:43:45 PM): who's there?
Doubleoasis (3:44:00 PM): that guy named jonathan
Doubleoasis (3:44:25 PM): whos on the other end?
Budzek (3:44:52 PM): that crazy white girl you know.
Doubleoasis (3:45:24 PM): ah! not her!! nooooooo!!

Jen Budzek: Jen Budzek:
Jen Budzek: ok that was weird cause i *so* didn't even type that.
Purciful: why did it do that?
Jen Budzek: how do i know?
Purciful: oh
Purciful: Purciful:
Purciful: I did that
Purciful: damn im cute.

Doubleoasis (11:14:13 PM): sign off
Budzek (11:14:16 PM): you first.
Doubleoasis (11:14:42 PM): lets play rock scissors paper......
Budzek (11:14:47 PM): okay.
Doubleoasis (11:15:11 PM): on the count of three....one23!!!
Budzek (11:15:16 PM): rock
Doubleoasis (11:15:16 PM): rock
Doubleoasis (11:15:27 PM): again
Budzek (11:15:29 PM): okay.
Doubleoasis (11:15:31 PM): 123
Doubleoasis (11:15:35 PM): scissors
Budzek (11:15:36 PM): scissors
Budzek (11:15:39 PM): AHH!
Doubleoasis (11:15:46 PM): AHH!!
Doubleoasis (11:15:56 PM): one more!!123
Budzek (11:15:57 PM): okay. pick something different than me!
Budzek (11:16:00 PM): rock
Doubleoasis (11:16:01 PM): rock
Budzek (11:16:04 PM): AHHHHHHHHH
Doubleoasis (11:16:09 PM): ship
Doubleoasis (11:16:13 PM): 123
Doubleoasis (11:16:18 PM): paper
Budzek (11:16:18 PM): paper
Doubleoasis (11:16:29 PM): hmm123
Budzek (11:16:33 PM): rock
Doubleoasis (11:16:35 PM): bulldozer
Budzek (11:16:40 PM): you win.
Doubleoasis (11:16:42 PM): i win
Budzek (11:16:43 PM): i'm signing off.
Doubleoasis (11:16:47 PM): ok

Doubleoasis (11:36:46 PM): shut..............up
Budzek (11:37:02 PM): well fine then
Budzek (11:37:52 PM): ack! i can't stay quiet!
Doubleoasis (11:38:11 PM): ha ha..