


Friday, 8 May, 1:40am, 1.0k/sec: The sun shone its warmest today since the year began. There is something about a beautiful day on Friday that causes offices to vacate early. I suppose that the antithesis of a slow beginning on a rainy Monday is the accelerated conclusion on a sunny Friday. The rain clouds seemed to hover above us throughout the week, so it was doubly appreciated ending with a magical spring day. I feel proud to have completed the first full week of work in some time. I found myself to be tired at the conclusion of each day, so much so that I was asleep either on the couch or in the bed by 9 o’clock each night. With the exception of tonight, we seem to be back on a schedule conducive to the accomplishment of our daily responsibilities. Our telephone lines were down yesterday, which isn’t an uncommon occurrence in Italy; and so a whopping 16 messages were received when we logged into our e-mail this afternoon. However, not unlike that which is found in the mailbox outside your home, some of that found in the electronic box inside is material other than personal correspondence. That’s right, it appears that "junk mail" has found its niche in cyberspace! I really should respond to some of the posts tonight; but I think that I’ll wait until tomorrow afternoon, when my mind is better able to search its recesses for the answers to some of the questions posed...