Poems For My Wife

My Vow

To thee I vow
All worldly pleasures
And endless realms
Of heart-felt treasures.
I pledge my honour,
And love that's true,
And loyal support
For all that you do.
I'll hold you so dearly
All the days of my life;
You'll be my sole lover,
My friend, and my wife.


Two syllables
Have ne'er captured such beauty.
The o-cean drowns in her magnificence,
Moun-tains crumble at her feet,
And a mo-ther's love is humbled by her kindness.
There is no mu-sic so lovely as her voice,
There is no sa-tin so soft as her touch,
Even the sun-set becomes lost in her eyes;
And hea-ven itself, in all of its splendor,
Would be e'er more blessed by her presence.

The Night We Met

Of all the times that I have met
A face with voice and soul entwined;
There is one day I'll ne'er forget...
The day I met with thine.
What magic moved the air to change
As you entered, with a fragrent stroll,
Capturing every eye within your range
And one man's heart and soul.


D evistatingly beautiful, she
E ludes all imperfections.
A donis himself, would appear
R idiculous at her side.
B acchus ne'er induced such
H eavenly intoxication.
L ife is so completely
A dorned by her magnificence.